Friday, April 14, 2017

Diabetes And Endocrine Center Of Orlando

Diabetes And Endocrine Center Of Orlando. Diabetes is a really critical disease and destructive illness. This short article will provide you with many diabetic issues comprehend and control their issue.

hey guys, it's dr. berg here. listen, i have a question. how many times have you attempted to loseweight and it didn't work out? how many failures do you have in the areaof weight loss? once?

Diabetes And Endocrine Center Of Orlando

twice? a hundred? as we age, it becomes more difficult to loseweight. if your metabolism is stuck and you plateaued,i need your undivided attention because i'm

going to show you a completely different wayto approach weight loss, and this is going to change the course of your attempts. you need a happy ending to the struggles. all i want is for you to be willing to learnsomething new. if you still even have the slightest considerationthat you cannot be helped, watch this video to the entire end, and you will have the confidencethat it will work for you. i promise that. get out a pen and paper and take notes becausei need your undivided attention. hi.

my name's dr. berg. i've been in practice for 27 years. i trained over 2,500 doctors in the area ofalternative medicine. i taught at howard university in the areaof nutrition as a part-time professor. i have a best-selling amazon book on hormonesand weight loss. i also have over 30 million views on youtube. and i have a confession to make. i used to be a junk food junkie. i was the worst.

i was a sugar fiend. i would eat tons of junk food, and i had noawareness of health. but it caught up to me. when i was 28 years old ... i'm 29 now. i'm just kidding. i'm 52. when i was 28, i started developing arthritis,inflammation, chronic adrenal burnout, chronic fatigue syndrome. my digestive system was all inflamed.

i had arthritis in my fingers. i started getting this pizza crust aroundmy midsection. i was trying to gain weight in high school. then now i'm trying to lose weight. i was like, "what is going on with my body?" also, i cheated so much, and i justified it. i used to say, "well, i'll eat healthy wheni graduate from college." then it went from, "i'll eat healthy wheni get older." well, that only lasted so long.

what that led me to was some huge discoveriesin the area of health that i want to share with you and specifically weight loss. here's what i discovered. are you ready? are you sitting down? people don't lose weight to get healthy. they have to first get healthy to lose theweight. it's get healthy first and then lose the weightsecond. why?

because your weight is a symptom. it's not the cause. it's a symptom of an unhealthy body. losing weight is actually very unnatural tothe body. the body doesn't like to lose weight. it goes against its purpose to survive, soit doesn't like to lose anything. so the weight is the tip of the iceberg. the real thing is something that i'm goingto show you next. the reason has to do with a very specifichormone that's holding down your metabolism.

there are two sets of hormones: hormones thatmake you gain weight and hormones that help you lose weight. most mainstream advice focuses on the calories,but they ignore the hormone triggers. instead they try to stimulate the metabolism. they try to give you an appetite suppressant. they're trying to do some type of trick totrick your metabolism through some exercise, but that is never going to work. now i'm going to show you this secret buti need your full attention. if you checked out, check back in right nowbecause this is vital.

the hormone that stops you from losing weightis called insulin. a lot of people know this as relating to diabetes,but it has another function, a huge function. it is the hormone that puts fat not only onyour body but mainly your midsection. it also prevents you from losing weight. it's called the fat storage hormone. here's what people don't realize. in the presence of even a tiny little bitof insulin, all fat-burning hormones are shut down. what does that mean?

it means that if you were to consume a halfa glass of juice, glass of wine, a bagel, even a piece of fruit, if you have a problemwith this hormone, you're not going to lose weight for the next 48 hours. when you see someone with belly fat, you canbe 100% sure that that person has too much insulin. so the insulin goes up, a person gains weight. when insulin goes down, they lose the weight. let's just look at this book called guyton'sphysiology, the authority medical book in every medical school.

all aspects of fat metabolism are greatlyenhanced in the absence of insulin. we need to create an absence of insulin tolose weight. based on the information on insulin, you canpredict what diet is going to work and which one is not. if you took the adkins diet or weight watchersor paleo or vegan or ketogenic, the question is does any of these lower insulin? those are the ones that are going to work. insulin is the switch that determines whetheryou burn fat or you make fat. the next question is what lowers insulin?

here are the things. number one, carbohydrates. now, you probably already know this that lowcarb diets are very, very healthy. you want to cut the sugar out. you want to cut the hidden sugars out. that does include the breads, pasta, cereal,crackers, biscuits, waffles, pancakes, muffins, sodas, juice, alcohol, flavored yogurts, fruits. most people know that; some people don't. number two, avoid combining protein with sugar.

if you were going to go to a restaurant andorder a breaded piece of meat or maybe it's a hot and sweet sour chicken from a chineserestaurant or a hamburger with the bun or a hamburger with the fries or a hamburgerwith the coke, that will greatly spike insulin way more than if you eat these separated. number three, and this is one that peopledon't realize, lean, low fat proteins trigger insulin more than fattier proteins. if you were going to buy a burger, like someburger meat, and you had 95% versus 85% and there's more fat, i would go for the fattiermeat because fat tends to buffer insulin. lean protein, specifically protein powderslike whey protein, that will spike insulin

more. that's a new one. next one, excessive protein. large amounts of protein convert to insulin,so the ideal amount of protein is between three to six ounces. i hope you're taking notes. next one, msg, monosodium glutamate. what is that? that is a chemical that enlarges your tastebuds to make the food taste more savory, to

make it more delicious than it really is. all the fast food places have msg in theirfood. [peruvian 00:07:08] chicken, they put msg,like a ton of it. there's msg in so many foods in the grocerystore. but here's the problem. it spikes insulin by 200%. yeah, i know. so here you are, you consume this food. it tastes really, really good.

then all of a sudden you notice next day youjust gain a bunch of weight because it spikes next one is stress. i wrote a book on body types. the adrenal body type is the one with thebelly fat. that's triggered by cortisol. that's a stress hormone. but here's the thing. cortisol doesn't increase the belly fat directly. it works through insulin, so stress increasesinsulin.

lastly, too frequent meals, too frequentlyeating. if you eat too frequently, like five to sixtimes a day versus two or three times a day, that's going to spike insulin. because eating in general increases insulin. i know. it doesn't even matter what you eat. it's spiking insulin. if you're grazing at night or snacking betweenmeals, you're spiking insulin. that's going to create ... that's a hiddensource of high levels of insulin.

now some of you are going to attempt theseactions, and you're going to lose weight, but you're not going to fully reach your goalbecause there's a condition that will prevent you from getting 100% results. let me show you what that is. it's called insulin resistance. insulin has become dysfunctional. it's become damaged to the point where itdoesn't work anymore. the body is resisting it because there's toomuch of it, so it blocks it. people with insulin resistance have five toseven times more insulin than normal people.

if you were to test someone with insulin resistance,they might have normal blood glucose, but they have very high insulin levels, but thedoctors never check that. you would have to test the fasting insulintest, not a fasting glucose test, completely different. insulin resistance is a pre-diabetic state,but a lot of times it will not show up on normal tests until it's too late and you becomea diabetic. now let me show you the symptoms of insulinresistance. number one, belly fat despite how many situps you do. you cannot lose your belly fat no matter what.

number two, you get plateaued despite eatinghealthy. number three, when you eat carbohydrates youfeel better. it reduces your stress. you become less cranky. number four, you crave sugar and carbs. number five, a need for a nap after lunch. number six, brain fog, dementia, absentmindedness. you start lacking the clarity of focus especiallywhen you don't eat. number seven, worse eyesight especially asthe day progresses.

it's like at night your vision is worse. i mean think about a diabetic, a diabetic,they go blind. because the blood sugars are needed to benormalized to actually feed the eye. since insulin resistance is a pre-diabeticstate, you could have vision problems well before diabetes. it's just bad eyesight. next one, not satisfied after you eat. you need a little something sweet after youeat. because the cells are insulin resistant.

they're blocking insulin, and so you can'tget the fuel in the cells so the cells are starving, yet you gain all this weight. you become fatter, yet you're starving todeath. next one, the need to urinate in the middleof the night. wherever the sugar goes, the water goes. in other words you might have fluid retention,but you also might just be peeing in the middle of the night once or more than once. that's a pre-diabetic symptom of insulin resistance. number 10, swollen belly as the day progresses.

do you find that in the morning your stomachis a little bit lower, but at the end of the day it's [swole 00:11:33] up or maybe afteryou eat it just swells up? that's insulin resistance. so you could see insulin creates a lot ofproblems. now there are also dangerous, long-term sideeffects of too mush insulin as well: heart disease, diabetes, as you might already know. a fatty liver comes from too much insulin. especially if the person doesn't eat or drinkalcohol, it's coming from the insulin part. high blood pressure is too much insulin.

that's why when you actually fix the insulinissue, the blood pressure comes down. high cholesterol because insulin convertssugar into cholesterol and triglycerides. stroke has been connected to high levels ofinsulin. dementia is a little plaquing in the brainthat stops the brain from working. in alzheimer's, amyloid plaque it's called. that comes from too much insulin. so you could see that insulin is the commondenominator for so many health problems that go beyond just belly fat. the next question is what do we do?

before i get into this i want you to ... ifyou've checked out, just check back in with me right now because i need your full attentionbecause some of you might have brain fog from insulin resistance. the strategy is very, very backwards. we're not trying to treat a disease. we're not trying to treat weight loss. medicine, health care really is the managementof symptoms. they're not getting you healthy. what's missing in health care is the healthpart.

what we want to do is we want to get you healthy,then lose the weight. we want to get the insulin system healthy. we want to get the hormones healthier so youhave a chance to lose weight. here's the question. can you do it with food alone? that's a very good question. maybe. if you were to have all organic food that'sfrom fertile soils from the farmer's market or the healthy store and you can make surethat it's grown on soil that's very, very

healthy, you could probably do it. in the us, the soils are so depleted. in the 1900s the nutrition content was somuch higher in america than it is now. you can actually research that and find theusda rdas. if you look that up, which i have, the nutritionwas way higher. now it's depleted because the farmers havenot been putting the nutrition back in. now in europe, people are thinner than americans. i believe because their soil is richer withnutrition. in africa, the kids even in africa, they don'thave teeth problems.

they don't get cavities. they have perfect bone structure. in america, everyone goes to the dentist everyfive seconds and fills a cavity. that has to do with the richness of the soil. what makes the soil rich is the minerals. the minerals are necessary for vitamins tobe made so the plant can pull the minerals and make certain vitamins. that's how it works. your food is only as healthy as the soil itgrows on.

let's just take one mineral that insulin isdepended on, and that has to do with this one mineral called potassium. potassium is something you need in large quantities. you need 4,700 milligrams every single day. now, you might say, "well, i eat a bananaa day so that should be enough, right?" bananas only have 300 milligrams, so how manybananas would it take to equal 4,700 milligrams if one banana's only 300? that's 15 bananas. you'd have to eat 15 bananas every singleday to get your potassium requirement.

let's say avocados. avocados are high in potassium. you still would need five avocados every singleday. you would need 10 cups of vegetables everysingle day to get your requirement for potassium. why is this? that's weird. it has to do with the soils. the soils are so depleted. welcome to america.

you're consuming empty nutrition, even whenyou eat the food. remember growing up how the food used to tastereally good? now it's like empty, a tomato, and you goto maybe other countries, it's like rich. it's amazingly delicious. the point is that this is just one littlemineral. that blew me away when i found that out, butit is the reason why it's causing our endocrine system to suffer and creating massive deficienciesin hormones and glands. i did some research to find out what ingredient,what remedy that would be grown on organic, nutrient dense soils that could provide enoughnutrition to get us healthy.

this is what i found. here it is: wheat grass juice powder. now why? because wheat grass juice powder has someamazing properties. first of all one teaspoon is equivalent tosix to 10 shots of wheat grass. also, it's equivalent to one tray of wheatgrass, 12 inches by 20 inches. so one teaspoon is equivalent to one trayof wheat grass. it's incredibly concentrated. it's 100% organic.

there's no gluten, no gmo anything, no preservatives. but this is what's cool. it's grown on an ancient seabed. that's an old ocean floor that has all thedried trace minerals, the salts. when this wheat grass is grown on that soil,you get incredible properties of minerals that have been pulled up into the plant. talk about a fertile soil. it's incredible. in fact the only other place that i know thathas that type of soil is where there's volcanoes,

volcanic ash in different parts of the world. if you go [health food 00:17:29] store andbuy wheat grass, it's grown on not even soil. it's grown on a little bit of a fiber so youdon't get near the nutrition. see, the plant breaks down the minerals orthe rocks and converts those into a plant-based mineral and makes them 15,000 times smallerthan an actual salt or a rock, so they're 100% absorbable. that's a really cool property. the other cool thing that's unique about thistype of wheat grass juice that i have is that it uses a special dehydrating process, noteven dehydrating.

it's called bioactive dehydration, but it'snot like the typical high heat. the temperature that they dry this out goesup to 106 degrees. that's like lukewarm but only for a minute,so when it comes out dry, it's basically raw. that means all the delicate enzymes are preserved,so when you take this stuff, it's like drinking pure health. you feel like your energy comes up. it's like a alternative to coffee. it brings you up. it makes you feel healthy right away.

the other thing is that it's a wheat grassjuice powder. it's not a wheat grass powder. the juice powder ... i mean think about howmuch concentrated a juice powder is versus a powder. you're not getting the fiber. you're getting a pure, low glycemic index,low sugar, super concentrated nutrient dense, healing material in one teaspoon, so it'sreally convenient. it'll save you time. you don't have to have a juicer.

you don't have to clean the juicer, whichis a pain in the butt. all you do is take a scoop, mix it with water,shake it, and drink it. now recently i've upgraded my wheat grassto this right here. what i did is i added a type of organic wheatgrass that's called kamut. kamut wheat grass has additional health benefits. it's loaded with the antioxidant called selenium. it's loaded with amino acids that are evenmore than regular wheat grass. it's loaded with healthy fatty acids and alot of other nutrition as well. this wheat berry was originally used by theegyptians long ago, and now they're bringing

it back. it's quite amazing. also, i wanted to taste really delicious,so i added an organic lemon flavor to it, so it's not just plain. it's actually a lemon-lime flavor. also, it has a hint of stevia so it's slightlysweet. so it's a real refreshing lemon flavor. there's no aftertaste. it's quite delicious.

it's pretty cost-effective because if youwere to get actual wheat grass in a shot at the health food store, it'll be about $2.50. so we're comparing one teaspoon which is sixto 10 shots of wheat grass which basically if you bought it in a shot form, it wouldbe $15 to $25, but one teaspoon of wheat grass juice powder is only 50 to 66 cents. let's see, 66 cents to $25. let me see which one i want to do. there's also some really good research thatsupports wheat grass and even the chlorophyll in wheat grass in relationship to supportinghealthy blood sugars and supporting healthy

insulin levels. here's your next step. make the decision and click the order buttonbelow and you'll be taken to the check out page where you can fill out your details. your first wheat grass juice powder will beshipped out right away so you can start taking it as soon as possible. i'm also going to give you a free shaker bottleas a bonus if you get three bottles or six bottles, so you can just add water and shakeit thoroughly into a smooth drink. because i didn't add any chemicals that thinthe powder and it's all just pure wheat grass

powder, you're going to need this shaker bottle. if you act now, i'm going to throw in anotherfree bonus. it's my new booklet entitled, "how to burnfat & fix your metabolism." this booklet is the condensed version of allmy successful actions in one easy to understand summary. it'll teach you how to get your insulin healthy,how to get your entire body healthy, so you get to finally lose the weight and feel great. this is not about cutting calories or starvingyourself or even being unsatisfied. you will love these meals.

they're delicious, easy to make, and it willproduce the results. let me cover some frequently asked questions. first one, does it have that bitter aftertastelike most wheat grass juice shots? sometimes when you consume raw wheat grassjuice, it can have a funny aftertaste. but because of where our wheat grass is grownand how it's processed, it's very smooth with no aftertaste, and the lemon flavor and thehint of stevia make it amazing. next one, does it have gluten? no, it's completely, 100% gluten free. could i substitute this instead of eatingvegetables?

i recommend you have both. this product is an enhancement to your dietnot a full replacement. next question, can i mix it with protein powder? sure, it's not a problem. it might give you a little lemon taste toit. next question, can i give it to my kids? absolutely, they will love it. what does it taste like? it tastes like a satisfying slightly lemondrink.

can i take more than one? sure, one people take one in the morning andone at night. when is the best time to take it? you can take it any time, but the feedbackthat i'm getting is that it'll wake you up in the morning and help you calm you downat night. where can i get the nutritional profile? go to my website under faq and supplementsand you'll find as a download. so what are you waiting for? let's do it.

Diabetes And Endocrine Center Of Orlando,

click the button below. 50 cents a day is going to be worth how you'regoing to feel, how healthy you're going to get, and how you're going to look in yourclothes. thank you so much for watching.

As you now learn how to manage your condition, you might be better ready to make the appropriate options and changes in your life. Take into account that these tips are only appropriate if you are using as most of them as you can, and therefore you ought to commence right now to see timely final results.

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