laureen: this is on breech birth and aliciais going to handle this one. alicia: i get to go first, i'm so excited!this is actually a question that was not... this is the only question that i'm doing thatwas not about healthcon, that wasn't in healthcon. this is a question that came in to the forum. q: can the icd-9-cm 652.21 breech birth beused as one of the diagnosis codes when a
newborn is seen in the office for the firstand second visits? the claim came back invalid code. it was a 2nd or 3rd diagnosis. a: first of all, if you're not familiar withbreech birth, there's more than one type. the complete breech birth, you noticed thelegs are crossed - bottom down - all breech
is a bum presentation instead of the head.normal birth is a head presentation. so, an incomplete, you've got one leg up and a frankbreech is two legs up. it's very funny to see these babies after they're born becausetheir legs stay that way. it's quite cute. you pull them down and they just pop rightback up. note that in the guidelines above 650 thereis a statement that you need to make sure that you're aware of. i want to let you knowabout it that if you don't have this circled or star by it, this will possibly give yousome trouble when you go to take the icd-9 portion of your exam. the postpartum period begins immediately afterdelivery and continues for six weeks following
delivery. the peripartum period is definedas the last month of pregnancy to five months need to be aware of that. do you have to have it memorized? no. but you need toknow how to find that in your manual because you will be given a case, at least one, thatgives you dates. so, the answer to this question, code 652.21,this code can only be used on the mother's chart, not the newborn. that's why it won'tgo through. the hint for this is the symbol there at the bottom of your manual. most manualsshould have it; there will be male and female symbols for codes that are only used for maleand female. so, if you were to see the code for a female, that's a heads up that thatcan't be on the baby's chart because you got
a male or female baby, right? and then ontop of that, there's an m down there on that guide and the m stands for maternity, that's another little warning sign for you. the code for a breech presentation is usedfor the delivery complication. so for a postpartum visit the mother is not being seen for a breechpresentation -- that's all done. so you have to change your way of thinking. now, if you'reseeing the mama or you're seeing the baby for that after-visit it's still two separatecharts. so, the baby is not being seen for a breechpresentation. no, for postpartum visit. if there was a complication to the newborn dueto breech birth then you would code the complication
Icd 10 Code For Gestational Diabetes,
not the presentation.i know it's hard when you're thinking about this, say, "well, it's a breech birth so weneed to make a note of that." well, no, it's in the record. that's why it's probably beingdenied. it is a code that is only used while inpatient, at the delivery time.
Since you now realize how to manage your condition, you will be much better ready to make your right choices and modifications in your daily life. Remember that these pointers are only relevant if you utilize as the majority of them as possible, and for that reason you ought to begin now to see timely results.
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