Friday, April 28, 2017

Honk Diabetes

Honk Diabetes. Diabetes is a very serious illness and overwhelming illness. This article will give you numerous diabetic issues comprehend and control their situation.

"this thief is creating a stir." "thief! thief! thief!" "this thief! - this thief!" "thief! - thief!" "creating a stir."

Honk Diabetes

my hands are itching! we have to steal adiamond worth 30 crores. each person will get 7.5 crores. we will have to hire atempo to carry so much money.

you don't even listen to me! i am listening and thinking too! this diamond will be inthe exhibition just for a day. yes! - we have to stealit today itself! - okay! otherwise tomorrowit will be sent to lucknow. it means if today we can't steal it.. ..then tomorrow wewill have to go to lucknow. and day after tomorrow hyderabad! and after that i don'tknow where it will be!

no, no, no! instead of travellingall over india.. ..its better to steal it right now!- come on! not now!all the security people are here! yes! their duty will get overat 10 in the night! - okay! between their duty getting over and.. ..the next shift beginningwe will have 10 minutes.. ..when only those two brotherswill be guarding the vault.

okay! okay! we will steal the diamond then! when will the clockstrike 10 o'clock? it will strike! where are both the fools! it's almost 10 o'clock! what is this? where were you both? why did you both come so late?

now we have only 10 minutes left! here is the safe! move! hurry up! only 7 minutes are left! hurry up! you have to leavebefore both the guards arrive here! open it! it's open! hurry up! hey! - tony! paupers have become billionaire!

why are you crying?you have become a billionaire! you have not becomea widower or an orphan! plan is a success! we have become billionaires! very good! very good! very good! what is this? what? look, the police should feel thatyou tried to nab the thief! - yes! but the thief thrashed youand ran away with the diamond! you are right!

you are right! but shyam,you can beat me lightly too! hey! thieves don'thit people lightly! this is how they thrash people! keep it up! tony, he is really thrashing me! fool, after being thrashed so much,you came to know! he is dead! you.. i won't spare you!

run! we will have to jump! i want to live! - come on! "thief! thief! thief! thief!" "thief! thief!" where should i hide it?where should i hide the diamond? hands up! "thief!" the court's proceeding proves that..

..shyam stole nizam'sdiamond along with his aid. and he helped his aidto run away with the diamond. so this court declaresthe verdict of 2 years.. ..imprisonment term for shyam. thank god! i survived! i survived! and along with that thecourt orders the police.. nab shyam's aidand get the diamond from him. thank you, your honour! thank you! come on!

the judge has to hear othercases too! let's go! come on! what are you doing?i am walking slowly! i am not going to run away! come on! titu, we lost the diamondand the job of a security guard! and he too will bein the prison for 2 years. now what will you and i do? do something, brother! do something! what to do? shall i hold his collarin front of the police..

..and ask him where is the diamond? you talk rubbish! it means we have lostthat diamond worth 30 crores? we don't have the diamond. but that doesn't meanthat we have lost it. how so? he didn't tell the policewhere the diamond is! if they had knownthen by now the police.. ..would have gothold of that diamond!

it means the day he willbe released from the prison.. he will go to get the diamond! yes! and then we willget hold of the diamond! but for that we willhave to wait for 2 years! it's the matter of 30 crores! we will equally divideit into 15 crores! fine we all three willequally divide it into 10 crores! 2 years is not a long time!it will pass away in a jiffy! "in india."

"in switzerland." "in malaysia." "in hong kong." "here and there. there and here." "god knows where not." "my money will liein every bank's locker." yeah! yeah! "and forget money and locker,i will have the entire bank." "this is the program ofthis free man for tomorrow."

"i will have lunch in london." "and dinner in america." "is creating a stir." "i will visit a 5 star hotel." "and i will eat tomy heart's content." "i will give tip which willbe double the amount of the bill." "whenever i will enter my house." "i won't switch on any lights." "my house will glitterwith gold and silver."

"i will sleep on the floor of satin." "bungalows and carswill be like toys to me." "be it day or night,i will just count money." this is not possible!this is not possible! listen, this place..- it is the police headquarter. say that this is a lie! you are so worried asif the land belongs to you! forget the land!the sky has befallen on me! i am ruined! ruined!

i think he is a mad man! you are a fool! you are a stupid man! you had to hide thediamond in a police station! now how will i get it out? move! move! side! side! hey man! you! you! move! move! you killed me! didn't you hear?since when i was shouting move aside!

were you riding acar or a bullock cart? is there no horn? there is! but in my nervousnessi forgot to honk it! is there no brake? there is! but in nervousness.. ..i stepped on the acceleration! come on! get out! no! you will beat me! will you get out or not?- fine! fine!

how to open the door? i am getting out!look, don't thrash me! you too have broken my windshield! look! - that's what i am doing! look, are you hurt? - here! anywhere else? - yes! here! what are you doing? i am showing you wherei have hurt myself! by the way..will you pass this way tomorrow too?

why? for another lovely collision.i will wait for you. what if after the collisionyou come under the car.. ..instead of falling on the bonnet? what can be better than this? i will die beneath your car's tyre! now i understood! this is how you talk to everygirl you meet for the first time. give me your addressbefore leaving. - no!

if not address..then give me your cell number! - bye! hey girl! guru! guru! guru! o my god! listen! now that you have come..why are you.. ..leaving after saying sorry? look, i made a mistake.i was searching for guru. next time make such a mistake.. ..that you search only for me.

o god! my destiny! here people come willingly..but they leave as per my wish. look, control yourself. first let me lose control, beloved. then i will control myself. o god! why are you clinging to me? guru! won't you embrace your guru? why are you beating me? - guru!

o god! tell me,when did you come out of the prison? and what are you doing here? i will tell you everything.- tell me! tell me! yes, shyam! i understood! the place where youhad hidden the diamond.. ..a police headquarterhas been put up there. now as a fake inspector,you have to get the diamond. yes, guru. look, i will help you.but promise me.

after getting the diamond,you will give up robbery. i swear on your mother.i will never rob again. bhavna! thank you, bhavna! here is inspector ram's uniform! but i am shyam! now you are ram and not shyam! inspector ram singh! take this! - but.

why this moustache? try to understand! there should be some differencebetween the thief and the police! now let me give you thiscap so that you can fool others. wow! now give me a nicesalute like a police officer. greetings, sir! greetings, sir! - greetings, sir! you have beaten me enough! now open the handcuffs!wow! wow! wow!

now i am in love with you! come on! stop! don't come ahead! don't come ahead! otherwise she will be dead! no mischief! move! stop! don't move! don't move! otherwise i will shoot you! your gun! - thanks!

wow! great! you are great! you have thrashed him black and blue! now he will never againraise his hands on a policeman! that is fine!but who is this brave man? police officer! ma'am, even i can see thathe is wearing a police's uniform. but never beforehave i seen him here. i have joined my duty today itself. you have come to joinyour duty in the bathroom?

no! - then what are youdoing here in the bathroom? i was singing songs! what do people do in the bathroom? and why is the ac's duct open? what do i know? some criminal musthave opened it to escape. some criminal hasopened it to escape. or you have openedit to help a criminal flee? mr. pandey! what are you saying?

he risked his life to save me! you have the ailmentof doubting everybody. ram, let's go! you are a new officer.i will introduce you to acp sir. okay! let's go! something is fishy! even his gait isnot like a policeman. even his beatingis not like a policeman. ram singh!

your file is out of this world! you have created suchrecords in remote villages! i have never heard thenames of these villages! and i have never seen such records! ram, where were you posted last?- sir, bhuj! bhuj! did you see'refugee' movie's shooting? no, sir! i was there during 'lagaan'. ashutosh gowarikar! ram, this is not a village.its mumbai city.

and here many dangerous criminalslive. - will you feel afraid? sir, the day i wore this uniform.. ..i decided to givemy life to this job! wow! and only a moustacheman is so brave! yes, sir!a moustache is a man's pride! i say that the man whodoesn't have a moustache.. ..he is not a man! look, i was shaving in the morning. my sister-in-law pushed me.

half of it got shaved i shaved it completely. i had a big moustache! hello! o no!yes, i will just be there. pandey! kalia anthonyhas fled from the prison! he has taken the childrenas hostage in kherwadi! ranjeeta, get the force ready! - sir! ram singh, you come with me! come! come on! moustache man! you people are going.why do you need me?

as it is i have so muchwork in the office today. no! you have joinedthe duty to lose your life! that's why sir toldyou to come along. you don't know kalia anthony. it's possible that you mightlose your life today. let's go! mr. anthony! sir, come down! look, all this doesn'tsuit you at this age! please come down! and surrender yourself to the police!

look, mr.anthony! you too are a family man! now you can't escape from here! count the police force! hey, acp! if you did anything.. ..then i will shoot myhostages that is the children! i have some demands! but don't send any smartpolice officer. got it? otherwise first i willshoot his hands and then legs! tell me! are you sending somebody?

or you will yourself come? i don't want to die!i have a young daughter at home. officers.. from you allanybody who has the guts.. talk to mr.anthony.. come in front. very good, ram! i was confident that you willcome forward during such a time! sir, i didn't come ahead! the rest of them moved backwards! dear, they went back out of fear!

sir, can't we postponethis programme? what do you mean? i will do it after a day or two, sir! but how will poor anthonystand here for 2 days? we will have to dothis today itself. please. sir, mr. pandey is there.the most experienced and.. he doesn't have a moustache! and i trust only moustachedmen and i am proud of them! ram! ram!

you too are coming with me? no, i had come to wishyou all the best! all the best. mister! mr. anthony! where are you hiding? don't shoot!we both are like brothers! what is the need of bullets? mister! mr. anthony! - inspector! anthony! my dear anthony..what are your demands?

i will fulfil all of them! look, till the time you have money.. ..people in india respect you. i want 5 lakhs! are you a new goon? - shut up! who told you? are you demandingfor money by holding.. ..the children atgunpoint or begging? mr. anthony, 5 lakhs is nothing.

you don't get a car, a bungalow. you can't take your familyon a foreign trip. - yes! got it? - yes! come on!increase the amount! come on! why do you screamso much and scare me? i am a heart patient! so why did you become a goon? it has been three weekssince i became a goon. get me 25 lakhs!

now why? you won't get a two bedroom,hall, kitchen flat for 25 lakhs! what are you saying? do you know that therate in raheja is 70-75 lakhs? ask for 1 crore! buy a flat for 75 lakhs. and lead a comfortablelife with 25 lakhs! yeah! what an idea! get me a crore! go ahead!

and a maruti car to flee from here. in mumbai's trafficif you fled in a car then.. will be caughtat the first signal itself. okay! demand for a helicopter. helicopter! call it at the terrace and leave! ram singh!what an idea! so get a helicopter! mr. anthony,i will get everything for you! but you let them go.

inspector!don't talk about the children! if i let them go thenthe police won't spare me! i want a police officer with me! because the policedoesn't shoot a policeman! now you won't be slapped. you have spoken one thing. mr. pandey is standingdownstairs. - okay. take him with you! hey! you are really smart!anthony will take you along.

because if you didn't come,then you will be dead. you! you will kill me! who gave you theidea of a crore? - you! who gave you the ideaof helicopter? - you! who gave you theidea of pandey? - you! if i die then what about my diamond? diamond? you want to go abroad,don't you? - yes!

come! come, my friend!i will take you abroad. okay! where do you want to go?- bangkok! bangkok! - yes! you want a massage! - yes! - come on! is he a police officeror a circus man? mr. pandey, he is a moustache man! saved! saved! ram! ram, are you fine? did anything happen to you?

i am used to it! in my profession i havejumped many times like this! you are the pride of my department!you are my life! wow! mr. pandey! have you ever seen real diamond? 2 years ago i had goneto a museum with my family. but some thief stoleit before i could see it. that is kept in the showcase!not that! such a living diamond! wow!

dear, will you eat fried potato? my daughter kajalhas cooked it herself. i jumped! so my stomachis not feeling fine! i will leave! fine! fine! fine!mr. pandey, get digestive pills! wow! god, make him my son-in-law!that's it! move! move! move! side! move! she has come! you! look,this time i didn't dash with you! i honked and i evenapplied the brake!

today i went crazy seeing you! the car didn't dash with me..i dashed with the car! won't you ask where i hurt myself? no! again you willtouch me here and there! today i won't touch you!show me your hand! i will show youwhere i have got hurt! here.. here.. here.. leave me! - what happened? i know what you are doing!

using the pretext of being hurt.. are flirting with me! now when you have understood.. ..then give me youraddress and number! you are acting so smart! find out my addressand number on your own! nobody will find out! listen to me! send 3 lakhs to senior sir! you will get postedto that police station!

and you will get 1 lakhas soon as you get posted there. darling, i am not interestedin the police job. i am not interested in my wife,darling. - yeah! why are you standing so far?somebody will come! o my god! tell me the truth. who are you? what happened to you?i am inspector ram! you are lying!you are not inspector ram! i have got the proof of your lie!

this! it has just comefrom the headquarters! in it its written that thereis no inspector by your name.. the police department. you don't have any record or papers! all your papers are fake! did you tell anybody else? not yet! now i am going to tell them! you are under arrest! i am from the anti-corruptionvigilance department.

what! do you know much corruptionand misuse of power.. going on in your department? that inspector das..takes bribe from young officers.. promote them! and inspector sharma and sundari! what do i tell you? they found an empty roomand they started romancing! there are so many cases!i have an entire file!

and your name too is included in it. what have i done? you have done the encounterof an innocent man. i didn't do anything! if this is wrong, then ask your eyes. they have stolen my heart. ask your face..which has stolen my slumber. ask your lips..which have stolen everything! i don't believe this!

"whether you are tata or birla." "whether you livein carter road or irla." "i have stolen your heart." "my heart too is like pali hill." "whether you are mamta or madonna." "whether you wear gold or silver." "the mole on your cheek." "beloved, it's my heart." "embrace me, beloved."

"i will take youfor a tour of london." "in the lanes of paris,i will show you eiffel tower." "i am an indian girl." "show me taj mahal." "colour my veil withthe redness of lal qila." would you like to have cold drink? fine. i will have it. - okay! don't move!hey, puny man! - puny man! give me all the money that you have!

otherwise my one bulletis enough to kill you! is it real? shall i shoot? shall i shoot? don't shoot!i will give you money! don't shoot! hurry up! quickly! i don't have time! come on! quickly! i don't have time! if you have a small gun,then i have a big gun! forget that! wait! just wait! hello! headquarter! - yes!

there is a shootoutat heiko shopping centre! ranjeeta speaking! ram is inside!i need immediate backup force! over and out! hey! inspector, nab the thief!nab the thief! inspector! these thieves always follow me! ram! where are you, ram? ram! shyam!

don't call me shyam! - i see! how come a thief iswearing police's uniform? and listen, you can foolothers by wearing this uniform. but you can't fool me.i want my share. you went behind bars for 2 years. and here my plight is bad! where is the diamond? where? you will be in troubleif you went after the diamond! the police are arriving! run away!

i don't mind dying!i don't mind dying! but i won't let go of you!i won't let go of you! johnny, try to understand! you will be in troublebecause of the diamond! run! run! - because of youi have become a pauper! run! otherwise thepolice will shoot! run! what are you doing, ram?throw the revolver! move! shyam! i won't spare you!you deceived me! you told me to run!

and now you have calledthe police to nab me! sir, he is talking to which shyam? i think his cronyis hiding somewhere here. sir, when he willget a firing on his leg.. ..then he will spill outeverything about his crony! are you a policeofficer or a butcher? criminal too is a human being.he needs love. take this. - ram! i will explain to him lovingly!- okay! go! go!

don't shoot! thief! don't shoot! forget shooting!i will blast you off with the bomb! i told you not to shoot! no! i don't want you!i just want my share! surrender otherwisethe police will kill you! i will give you your share! i had hidden the diamondin an under-construction building.. ..which has now becomea police headquarter. that's why i have becomea police officer! got it?

sir, has he gone to nabhim or to narrate ram's saga? pandey! pandey,criminals too are humans! give me the gun! i took this gun on hirebasis from a shooter yesterday. take it! will you give it to me like this?everybody is watching! i will snatch it from you. listen! you don't know me at all!- but how? we are meeting forthe first time! - okay!

got it? - but you.. you commit robbery! great! well done!well done! wow! wow! wow! wow, my brave man! - thank you! did you see this, pandey! that day without firinghe caught that tall kalia anthony! and today he caught thispuny guy wearing a blue jacket! learn something from him! look, no need to praise so much.

forget the caseswhich we have solved. think about the new case! sir, what case? the thief's crony shyam!where is shyam? yes! where is shyam? he is standing in front of you!- what do you mean? that thief was askingfor his share from you! yes, ram! even we saw and heard it! yes! he fired at you,and not on anybody else.

sir, suspend him and make an enquiry. ram.. do you have tosay anything about this? sir, not about myself buti want to say something about shyam! mr. pandey,do you know who shyam is? - you! no! shyam is my twin mirror image. look at this!he is creating another story! this is not a story!this is the truth, sir! the painful truth of my life. what does shyam do?

nothing. sir, he loiters around. and when his money gets over.. ..then with such peoplehe commits robbery, sir! why didn't you tell me before? sir, i am ashamed tocall that loafer my brother! sir, he will shake hands with you.. ..and steal your watch! and he will embrace you like this.. ..and remove your chain!

and mr. pandey, at timeshe doesn't even touch that person. and he steals his ring. hey! this is my wedding ring! acp sir, he is stealingthe ring and chain.. ..and he is taking shyam's name! we are twin brothers! i am bound to be influenced by him! sir! - yes! he takes the loan.

and recovery agents come after me! he robs.. and people cometo me for their share, sir! but today.. today theman whom i considered my idol.. ..sir, you too doubt me. and ranjeeta.. you! you too doubt me! now it's better to kill myselfthan to live like a suspect. no! - ram! - no, ram! no! its better that youkill me with this revolver! because i suspected you.

pandey is entirely at fault. next time if you sayanything against ram.. ..then just watch it! what an actor,he is putting up such an act. go back to your work,what are you watching? ram. - yes sir. send your brotherat my home tomorrow! my brother, why? you are his brother,you don't know how to reform him!

but, i am a police officer! i very well know howto reform such goons. but sir, he won't come to your house! if he doesn't come himself, thenthe police will bring him forcefully! and then i will meet himin the lock up and not in the house. he will come sir,he will come tomorrow evening. hey you servant, where is your acp! go and tell him shyam sir has come. and bring some teaand biscuit along to.

go! what are you looking at old man? go inside,and send the other old man out. whom are you pushing? whom are you calling an old man? i am the acp of this city! why are you screaming? if you scream too much,you will get a heart attack! and die untimely!

tell me, why have you called me here? did you receive a threatfrom the underworld? or did you flirt withthe sister of a goon. is it about the protection money? quickly, tell me the problem! i will solve allthe matters in a jiffy! i haven't called youhere for solving problems.. ..but to work! old man, have you gone mad?

me, work! i cannot be a slave to time like ram! if you want to do businessin partnership, then we can talk. really! what business son? theft, robbery! you will have to work. is it compulsory? you can say that! because i have takenthe vow of reforming you.

you have taken a very wrong thing. there is still time, let go of it. no, you will have to work son. otherwise what will happen is that.. ..anywhere thereis a robbery in town.. will be interrogated first. anywhere there is theft in the city.. will be arrestedfirst on suspicion. surprising! being an acp,you threat people like goons.

yes son, i talk to peoplein the language they understand, from today, you willdrive my daughter kajol's car. go and take the key. why don't you teach her to drive? she knows. but whenever she drives,she meets with an accident. she is an acp's daughter. really, there is a girl. wherever she sees me, she dashes me.

is she your daughter? call her! call her! kajol! yes papa! she is the same,my sweetheart! - you! you, here. i am wherever you are! your father called meto be your driver. - really! but for you,i won't even take my salary!

and pay the petrol money too. leave me! you are looting myhouse right in front of me! that's it, you are fired! thank god! no son, you are stillnot off the hook. from today you are my driver. go and take the car out,we have to go to the club. go! papa, can i come tothe club along with you?

no dear, stay at homei will go to the club alone. you don't worry, i willleave your father at the club.. ..and take a rickshawback here. - okay! papa actually i will stay back here! no! no one will stay alone at home! all of us will go to the club. and what are you looking there for? go and take the car out? go and take the car out,and go to the club!

go to the club,we will come in the other car. tony, these days thereare a lot of signals. should i switch on the ac? no, keep seated in your place! brother! - what is it? - look! look, shyam! he was supposed tobe released 2 months later. seems like,this year on the 15th august.. ..the government grantedmercy bail to many criminals..

..he was one of them too! how will you escape now? follow him! follow him! tony drive faster,it's the question of 20 crores! hit him on the right!hit him on the right! are you driving the car,or eloping after committing theft? who gave you the licence? tell me the name of that officer? you have!

now you can't escape. catch him! catch the scoundrel! o lord! seems like the timehas come for me to die! kajol's mother, i am coming. caught you! he is safe brother! the roof is gone too. now i can see the heaven clearly!

lord, if i reach home safely today! then i will offer you 7 coconuts. ram! ram! ram! ram! ram! ram! ram! strange, the old manhas still not arrived! did he die or something! good morning sir! good morning!- how did you like my brother? your brother! did he useto drive the rajdhani express? why sir?

the way he drove the car,i can't even say it! for a second i saw heaven! my brother is of no use. no, no he is useful to me. he is useful to me. we need such driversin our police force. we always receivethreats from goons.. ..that we will kill you, finish you! your shyam can come inhandy at such difficult times.

do one thing..send him tomorrow morning.. 10 o'clock at my house. sir, he can't come at 10 o'clock. then send him at 9 o'clock. sir he can't come atany time in the morning. sir, it is so that..mother is not well. you have a brother,and you have a mother too. no, only you have a mother. i have descended from above.

no, that's not it! you never told me anythingabout your mother. you didn't tell meanything about your father. by the way who are you,the ration office clerk.. ..that i should giveyou my entire family's list. i work here not my family. relax ram, relax! sir shyam cannot come on duty.. ..because when i cometo work he looks after mother.

what are you thinking? i am thinking about the ill mother. ram's mother is ill. mother kaushaliya is ill. we should go and take a look. who can it be at this time? i am dead! where is my moustache? hi! - sir, you.

mother, where is she?- papa, he looks exactly like shyam! but this ugly moustache! behave yourself! the moustache is the pride of a man,you shouldn't touch it! where is mother? sir.. - say that sheleft for a pilgrimage! not for a pilgrimage, sir. she is performingthe veneration. - yes. but there is no sound.

sir, it is a venerationnot any offering. exactly! sir, sometimes motherstarts meditating.. ..while performing the veneration. sometimes, she takes the entire day. wow, she must be a pure soul. do one thing sir,come tomorrow. - okay. will you bring afake mother tomorrow? pandey, that's enough!

son, we don't haveanything scheduled today. come, let us sit and wait. come dear. this moustache. dear. - yes. - take a seat! who has come, son? what are you looking at? i am his mother, his real mother. mother!

mummy, mother! not a fake one. lord, you heeded to me! my mother's veneration has ended sir. this is my mother. mother, mummy! we are so fortunate,to meet the divine lady.. ..that gave birth to a son like ram. hail!

sir, she has givenbirth to shyam too. just shut up, okay! excuse me,your servant is very ill-manarred! no he is inspector pandey! so he is that scoundrel pandey. because of whom acpsir doubted my son. mother, please don't slap him. by the way, whose youngand beautiful daughter is she? dear, touch her feet.

dear, your place isin my heart and not my feet. come in my arms. mother, your platter. ram, can't you handle the platter. she is a very sweet child? do you have only one? just one! you must not get time from the duty. mother! mother!

actually,mother has two sons but no daughter. that's why,mother gets out of control.. ..whenever she sees a girl. no, i want her to liveunder your shelter all her life. mother. - what is it? - mother! whether it is the mother or the son,it is one and the same. platter. what have you thoughtabout marriage, mother? marriage!

i received many offers. but after the death of ram's father.. ..i didn't even thinkabout another marriage. not yours,i am talking about ram's marriage. ram will get marriedonly when shyam is reformed. stop worrying about shyam. i will reform him, mother. i have reformed many people.and i promise you. dear, dear!

how did you find ram's mother? she is good. she is very good dear. did you see,the love in her eyes on seeing you? that proves dear,that mother-in-law.. ..was a daughter-in-law once. dear, i am telling you. you won't find abetter mother-in-law. never! - what?

she, my mother-in-law! never! dear, i thought of making you mrs.ram singh! mrs. ram singh! that moustached guy,my husband! never! i just hate police officers!and i hate moustached people! dear, i have a moustacheand i am a police officer too. so didn't your mother marry me? i cannot make the samemistake my mother did. dear! - i will nevermarry a police officer.

dear. dear.. - never! acp! where do you bringthese new problems from? when the girl doesn't wish too.. ..then why are youdragging ram in between! shut up!- are you a driver or a lawyer? if you marry anyone else,then i will shoot you. do you rule this city? correct, i rule this city. my brother is in the police too.

even i know the law. she is not a child. she is 18 years old. you cannot get hermarried forcefully. and what are you thinking about? marry the guy you wish to,understood! don't be afraid of this old man. she is my daughter.- he does not have a moustache. tell me, which guy you like.

i will get you marriedto the guy you like. but tell me quickly. surprising! a girl caught the handof a guy in front of her father.. ..and came out of the house. and you still ask me whom do i love. that means.. you.. me! i have lost my heart to you. why, is there any tension?

what is the useof taking tension now? when a girl has losther heart to a boy. there is a no chance of escaping. "i have been intoxicated by love." "the crazy heartsays to fall in love." "this youth.." "this youth haschanged me completely." "this youth has changedyou completely." "your fragrance intoxicated me."

"intoxicated me, intoxicated me." "love.. - has mesmerised me!" "don't go away from me." "come near me." "come and embrace me. " "these eyes stole my sleep." "they stole his sleep!" "they stole his sleep!- they stole his sleep!" "they stole his sleep!

"i lost my heart." "she lost her heart!she lost her heart!" "lost your heart. - lost your heart." "i cannot find peace!" "i am losing myself." "i am getting breathless." where is it? i have it! so brother, now even i looklike pandey's twin bother sandey.

here! look son, the game is up now. how dare you bargein my house like this? son, it's just me now. now the entire battalionwill follow after me. come, come sir. i had told you,ram and shyam are one and the same. you didn't listen to me. here, the pride of men! moustache!

is this a moustache? which horse's hairwas used to make it? he impressed me somuch on the first day. that moustache is pride of men. and what else did he say, pandey. the day he dawned this uniform.. ..he decided to play with danger. he blindfolded me! and i was blind!

i made my daughtercook so many things.. make him my son-in-law! carrot sweets. fried lady's finger! mint chutney. mint chutney! i turned my daughter into a cook. i am fool! i am absolutely a fool! which donkey are you talking about?

about me!the one that standing before you! mother, explain them! please mother! relative.- i am not relative, but i was blind! i am a blind personwith two eyes, mother. sir, you are still blind. because he is not mother,he is father. you made a male your mother. such a big cheat.

mother! - what mother? now i am a father. son, you got what you deserved.. the policepunishment still remains. no! shyam! shyam! what happened? i saw a very bad dream. that suspicious pandey,brought the acp..

..and the entire policeforce to our house. and he revealed my secret. i will tell you one thing, friend. your dream can turn true anytime. because johnny has been arrested.. ..and the two brother tituand tony has spotted you. - what? your secret can be revealed anytime.. ..that's why, whateveryou want to do, do it quickly! or else we can landin trouble any minute.

tony, i didn't understand this. has this thief comein the police headquarters.. loot it posingas a police officer. just a minute brother! this is the spot wherethe police arrested him. and when the police arrested him.. ..he didn't have the diamond. correct! that's means he hid the diamondsomewhere in this building.

and he has come to takeit out as a police officer! tony, we have to keep an eye on him. but how will we keep an eye on him? he is posing as a police officer. how will we go inside? shetty, you still haven'tsent tea for the sirs. i am sending it! waiter. - yes. take the tea for the sirs, come on.- yes sir. - go quickly.

will you have tea? hot tea! hot tea! hot tea! go from here, don't bore me. turn around you will lose your mind. you both here. tony, a thief has dawnthe uniform for the diamond. that's why we cameafter you as tea-sellers. that diamond is your destination! that diamond is our motive!

now tell me the truth. in which wall haveyou engraved that diamond! tell me! i am a fake inspectorbut this uniform is real! and when the uniform speaks,it quietens others. quiet! you have spoken enough! now it's the uniforms turn. sir, criminals are thrashedlike this in patiyala.

no, ill-mannered tea-sellersare thrashed like this.. ludhiyana too. but what did they do, sir? actually sir, mistakenlywe gave sir coffee instead of tea. and that too without sugar. it tasted very bitter. and that was the problem.- forgive us sir. come on tony! - come on titu! hail bajrang bali.

yes! - anik chaudharyis coming to meet someone.. the restaurant. last time he evaded us and escaped. he shouldn't succeedin running away today. go! - yes. "not just my heart, take my life." 'what are you looking at?' 'i am his mother! his real mother!' mother! what is shedoing here as umrao jaan!

"just heed.." "just heed to me once." did you recognise me pakeeza? of course, your majesty. you are like those oldmen who flirt with young girls.. ..when their death is near. is that so? that day,you were posing as a pious woman! how did you turn intosuch a glamorous doll today?

which day are you talking about,my old wine? that enough, stop this act! how can i? this is my business. really. that means. posing as a ram's motheris your business too. ram! are you talking about ramthat's shyam's twin brother. yes, that ram!

i understood my old man! you must have met my twin sister. she is vyjayanti, and i am mala. but she is a widow! and are you a beauty? if you want to see my true beauty,constable.. ..then meet me alone. my old spice. no, that cannot be!

so many twins in the same house. sir, congratulations! congratulations sir!- what is the matter? have you broughtnews of my promotion? no sir? then what are youcongratulating me for? sir, there has been anotheraddition in your in-laws! ram's mother,vyjayanti's twin sister mala. so mother has a twin sister.

that's such wonderful news. - what? look, ram's twin shyam! vyajanti's twin mala! if my kajol marries ram,then i will twin grandsons. i will be a grandfather of twins. twins! no, you will be a fool! sir, please believe me. ram is shyam, and shyam is ram.

look, when ram comes on duty,shyam is at home. when ram is at home,shyam comes on duty. when mother is at home, sick. her sister is outsideas a glamour doll. no i didn't understand,what do you mean to say? there is no harm in checking it once. and just think,if what i say turns out to be true.. ..after your daughter marries ram? what about her life?

and what will the world say? such a high ranked policeofficer was deceived. and this moustache!- what about the moustache? will you be ableto show it off proudly? call ram! ram! - good morning sir. very good morning ram, where would yourbrother shyam be right now? with mother.

and where is your mother right now? she is playing cricket with sachin? don't you know,a sick person lies on the bed! i was thinking aboutmeeting your mother once. sir, can i tell you one thing. visiting someone's houseoften is not a descent thing. but.. right now we are goingto the commissioner's office.. ..and i am about to receivea call which is very important. so don't move from here. okay.

stay here, okay. come on pandey. - come on sir. now the real fun will begin. completely assuring myself. if shyam and mother are at home,then you have had it. and if they are not at home, sir? greetings sir. coming. just a second!

it's of no use sir. there is no one inside. ram is locked in the office. and his mother isalluring everyone there. pandey, you are so suspecting. don't you see,there is no lock on the door.. ..the door is closed from inside. mother might beperforming veneration.. ..she might be resting.

she is ill,she might have fallen asleep! not her sir, you have become blind! come with me! we will try to getinside through the back. come. - being a police officeryou think like the thieves. pandey! i have come to help you. because acp and pandeyhave locked up ram here.. ..and gone to meetshyam at his house.

why are you helping me? because if you are jailed again.. ..then we will have to waitanother 5 years for the diamond. that's why go quickly. "someone slyly, " "comes and makes me weave dreams." "and steals my heart." "and says, that i am.. coming!" "who is coming?"

"who.." "coming!" pandey! no, bad man pandey. no pandey, no! "how should i go home?" - no pandey. no pandey! pandey! no pandey! sister, please changeyour clothes comfortably! i didn't see anything.

you scoundrel! you say that youdidn't see anything.. ..but you saw ahelpless widow changing! did you use to travelin the local trains earlier.. ..that you pull any chain you see?- sister. i will not spare you. how dare you? - i am sorry. you have tried to tarnish my image! i will kick you!

mother. mother. - mother. acp sir, just becausethere is a c in your name.. saw everything. no, no mr. pandey! pandey! scoundrel pandey,i will not spare you. do what you want! what happened mother? shyam, you arrived on the right time. this scoundrel suddenlyentered my room.

and he saw me in this condition. and only your fatherhad seen me like this. and he tried too.. you tell him, you have seen it. no, i didn't see anything. mother, what is my fault! you are a scoundrel! mother, please stop him. he has four children!

he has a wife. please stop him! shyam! shyam! - mother! shyam! spare him! son, you are underthe oath of my love. fine mother. acp, if i see him nexttime around my mother.. house or my society,then i won't spare him! he won't be seen! - he won't be seen!

i will have him transferredto afganishthan! he won't be seen! - come on pandey! come on sir. - he won't be seen! bad pandey! unnecessarily youwere thrashed pandey! i am advising you get somethingdone to doubtful mind! since inspector ram has arrived.. position has become like ravan! do you think you are vibhisan?

ravan had only abducted mother sita! and you flirt with his mother too. open the door! look, there is no one here. acp sir,there wasn't any call for you. but just now my mother called. shyam has already punished him.. ..for flirting with your mother. just because shyam has punished him.. doesn't mean ram will spare him! no, don't hit him. shyam has thrashed him severely.don't hit him. he doesn't have anymore energy to get thrashed! his quota for today is over. thrash him tomorrow. and i will grant you aleave for hitting him tomorrow. okay. he will hit you tomorrow, okay.

acp sir, it is not rightto hit an officer on duty like this. sorry, your duty gotover 10 minutes ago. - what? if you flirt with the mother,the son is bound to get aggressive. button your shirt,and reform your ways. greetings, how are you? do you have any problem? how nice? how nice. is it 26th january or 15th august? a police officer is askingthe well-being of a criminal.

atleast i came to meet you. but your friend shyam, with whom.. used to commit the crime. he didn't even come to meet you. since when do you know shyam? since i came to mumbai. we used to stay inthe same room in dharavi. but his house is in versova. that's ram's house, sir.

ram and shyam stay together,isn't it? he used to stay with me for business. since when do you know ram? you forgot sir! no problem, it happens in this age. remember that departmental store. i met ram there in front of you! i surrendered to ram! monkey, are you goingup to pluck mangoes?

come down! - it hurts! come down. - it hurts. don't tell me what i know. tell me what i don't know. - yes. ram and shyam are one and the same,isn't it? of course they are! they have the same face,height, features. all of us are one. why are you slapping me?

take a look here!- yes, i am looking at you. this is ram! - this is ram! this is shyam! - this is shyam!- both of them are one isn't it? when there are two names.. ..then how can theybe the same person? these two names cameup since you appeared. first there was shyam,then there was mother.. ..then there was aunt, now.. mr. pandey, what are you doing?

you shouldn't hitcriminals like this. if he doesn't tell me the truth,then i will kill him! you will kill him?mr. pandey do you know.. ..that the one who is dyingcan do anything to save himself? as soon as he finds anopportunity he can run away. hey! attention! you have thrashed me enough! now i will shoot you in such a way.. ..that you will learn a lesson.

mr. pandey, you do not worry;the bullet will not be shot. the gun is locked! hey you.. look here! look here! now i can shoot! you can never go alivefrom here with so many.. ..policemen around.i am telling you that! what nonsense are you talking? mr. pandey,he is a hard core criminal. he will not go alone?

he will aim the gunat you and take you along. come, my dear! - look here! come out! - listen to me! come out! start the parade! - hey! all of you keep your guns down. he will kill mr. pandey! go back! walk straight! put your gun down! move! move! straight! don't move!

come on go straight! i will kill everyone! walk straight! move back! come in! come inside! come in! brother, come in! no one should follow usotherwise i will kill all of you. i am free! i am free! today is the first timethat a criminal has escaped..

..from here because of you. sir, i am still sayingthat he did not run away.. ..he was made to escape. this.. your respected ram. he was trying to showthat he was trying to save me. but in reality he wasshowing him the way to escape. i had arrested him so whywould i want him to escape? - yes! because he was your confidante! he knew his real identity.

sir, he gave him a chanceto snatch the revolver. shut up! shut up, mr. pandey! i can see that somehowyou are trying to defame ram. you want me to loserespect for him. right? if johnny is not arrestedthen you will be standing in the.. ..empty cell in his place. and you will be punishedfor allowing johnny to escape. and you will rotin jail all your life. will you have fried snacks?kajal has prepared them.

no sir, today i have a lot of work. there is mint chutney tooalong with that. will you eat it? sir, i will come home once to eat. okay! will you come home and eat?- yes, sir! come surely! - definitely! surely come!- yes sir, definitely! sure! "your eyes are big!" "i can se you standing here!" "i can see you standing here!"

"when you winked at me!" "when you winked at me i understood!" "that you love me!" "i saw you and went crazy!" "how do i tell you how scared i am?" "your saga dwells in my eyes!" "since when i am crazy about you!" "when i found you i thoughtthat this youth was for you." "my beloved you tell mewhy does my heart beat so much?"

"i take your oaththat i am crazy for you." "what is this that you have told me?" "i became crazy after you!" "oh my dear come into my arms!" "my heart is crazy for you,smile and get trapped in it." "tell me when will youfall in love like this?" "oh my beloved you havetaken away my heart unknowingly." "wonder when you spun magicjust looking into my eyes." "my heart tells meto tease you often."

hey buddy! buddy, when did you come? buddy, what is the matter? what is your tension?what is your problem? tell me. that acp is my biggest problem. whenever you see he isoffering me crispy lady finger.. ..cooked by his daughteror he offers me cumin potatoes. but i am not after his daughterbut after those 30 crores. - yes! our diamond! diamond! buddy, steal the diamond!

how can i do that? that pandey is after me all the time. he says that i amram as well as shyam. no other man resembles me. now that acp too hasstarted having doubts on me. oh, i have understood!i have understood! you will once again goto jail because of the diamond. and i too will go to jailand we both will rot in the prison. you are right! - yes! what?

look here, if you want tosave yourself from going to jail. then you will have toassure that foolish man.. ..that there are similarlooking people in this world. yes, and for that we willhave to bring a twin of the acp. are similar lookingpeople sold in the market.. ..that you will buy one? that acp is a uniqueman in this world. my friend, even you donot have anyone looking similar. if you can become ram from shyam.

then why can't therebe a similar looking man.. the acp whosename will be raghu. hey raghu!raghu my friend; my buddy! raghu! who is this raghu? just see this!you were underground in bangkok.. ..for three years so whatdid you think that your friend.. ..this dilwar singhwill not recognize you? when did you return from bangkok? i am just coming from bandra! - what?

he way they have changedthe name of bombay.. mumbai the same wayhas bangkok changed to bandra? i am coming from bandra here! oh local!oh so you are hiding at local bandra? hiding? do i look likea thief that i will hide? no, my dear, no!you are not a thief.. are something else.i know that! you are the king of brown sugar.i know your racket! brown sugar, cocaine and drugs!

get lost!go away! what? cocaine and drugs? i am a police man!- what? where are the police? where are the police?i am running away. you too run away otherwiseyou too will be in trouble. i am running away! cocaine and drugs!raghu? bangkok? stupid! hello! hi! - hi! look here..i am not what you think i am. i..

world! - miss world? universe! - miss universe? miss promila! - promila! you can call me pam! - pam! my raghu, you call me pammi! raghu! i am not raghu!pramila, i am not raghu! i am not raghu! do i not know my raghu? these dark black eyes!this fair hair!

these thin lips! these puffed cheeks. listen! today night i willwait for you at lover's hotel. don't forget to come. and do not forget to bringthat brown sugar packet.. ..and that rags! definitely come! don't make a hash, okay! - okay! okay! okay! okay! look here, i like youvery much but i am not raghu. pa.. pa.. pammi! ammi!(mother)

no, no my dear; that was not me. look here,god knows what is happening with me. look here, you are my ownso i will tell you a secret. since the past fewdays some unknown people.. ..are meeting me and they say..hi raghu, how are you? raghu, give us cocaine and drugs. raghu has the goldconsignment arrived? raghu, have the contrabands arrived? and the last one whomet me said that raghu.. were the kingof brown sugar in hong kong! tell me, i..- sir, what are you saying? is it like this that asi have a twin aunt at home. - yes! my look alike shyam! - yes! sir, do you have a twin brother? no, no! do not takethe name of a twin. i was the only child of my parents.i am confident of that! sir, this is a grave matter! i hope the oppositegang do not kill you..

..thinking you to be raghu, sir! no! ram, i do notwant to die such a death. i have to get my daughter married.. try and understand. sir, you do not worry, sir!i have seen raghu! before that raghu kills you,i will finish him, sir! but sir, do not tellanyone else about raghu! i will not tell anyone!i will not tell anyone! will you eat sweetprepared from carrots?

kajal has prepared it herself. sir.. sir, i too willsuffer from diabetes like you! oh! okay! i will tellher to make crisp lady finger. okay? - yes, sir! - okay! okay sir! - okay! great! who let the dog out? hey! hey!hey! hold on! hold on! just a minute! you are here?you are flaunting yourself.. this jungle. i searched for you everywhere. searched for me?who are you? who are you? who are you? - yes! who are me? - yes! you have forgotten!i am lashu! lashu! lashu? - lashu! lashu? - forgotten! damn it! lashu! we drank bacarditogether in hong kong.

we took a massage in flora. you seem to have enjoyed that! and you enjoyed withneena and ninja too! now remove my packet.- packet? what packet? what packet?he is asking me what packet? packet! brown sugar packet! i have all the information.last night your goods landed here. you had a problemwith the police too. now hang on!hang on! don't act innocent now.

take this and give methe brown sugar packet. raghu! i am not raghu! i am not raghu! hey!what happened? why did you do that? i am not raghu!- why did you do that? oh my mother.. - what happened?i am not raghu! i am not raghu! hey buddy, stop crying!- i am not raghu! but you are raghu! raghu! today i will not spare you! you are raghu! - hey! one minute! where are you running? wait!

no! i am not raghu!i am not raghu! i am not raghu! no! i am not raghu! my dear.. ..i am your future father-in-law. hey you! you are not father-in-law!you are the filth.. ..of this society. i am not filth, i am ranbir singh! see this!my dear, see this! this is my id. you! by showing me thisfake id you wish to sit.. ..on the acp's seat?

i will not spare you! i am not raghu!remember yesterday you had come.. office to give your resignation? then i had told you my problem,remember? sir you! sorry sir!but.. but what could i do, sir? sir, both your facesresemble so much that.. ..sir if you see himyou too will be deceived. if i stay alive till i see him, onlythen i will be deceived, isn't it?

sir! sir,we will have to do something. sir, you will have tochange your face for that. shall i go in for plastic surgery? but sir if you do that thenwho will recognize you? - yes! no sir, you do somethingby which there will be.. ..some difference between you two. and at the same timeyour face should not change. good idea! my dear,will you have sweet lime juice?

kajal has preparedit with her own hands. sir, go! oh! i thought that you donot like sweet lime! okay! okay! put on this button andtake the file properly there. okay, sir! - good morning, sir! sir, do you have a cold? sir, is your tooth paining? sir, is your mouth stinking? sir, then why haveyou hidden your face?

i have shaven off my moustache!moustache! idiot! - shaven off his moustache! you scoundrel raghu!you have the guts.. barge in the acp'sroom and steal his bag? you, because of you todayi raised my hand on my acp! and today.. i would have shot him! tell me, why had you come here?tell me! leave my throat! leave me! you are great! you strangulate me..

..and you tell me to speak? if you would have strangulatedme for two more minutes.. ..then i would have died! friend, are you helpingme or are you thrashing me? oh! - or are you eyeing my post? sir.. sir, you! bur sir,what happened to your moustache? sir, a moustache is.. a man's.. it is! it used to be! i shavedit off to save my life, dear.

i can again grow my moustache! but if i lose my life iwill not be able to regain it. he has the style! acp sir, where is your moustache? or are you enacting adrama like that ram and shyam? this is not a charade but reality! there are similar people!there are twins! there are identical people too!there is ram and shyam! there is vyjayantiand there is also mala!

there is ranvir as well as raghu,my friend! you go! get out! there is some..- you just go from here! "is creating a stir!" "this thief is creating a stir!" tea, hot tea! you here? - you must be tired! you have tea and give me the diamond. look here,you are doing well in your tea stall.

you keep doing that!you forget the diamond. you will not understand sweet words. you will only understandthis language! "my heart is crazy after you!" "you are crazy after me!" "i am a lover boy!" "you are unaware of this world!" "yes, someoneinterferes in our love." "someone always troubles us!"

"i will slap himand teach him a lesson!" "this is the first step in love!" "my beloved i will bewith you for many life times!" "my beloved there are many hurdles." "when we are for each otherthen why should we be sad?" "if someone intervenesor shows a red signal." "or if someone shows a red signal!" "what happens when you are in love?" "the heart does not rest in love!"

"and the one whoglares at your beloved?" "he will repent all his life!" "if there is a thorn ina flower and what if someone.. ..fools the hero?" "what if someone fools the hero?" my bag! ram! bag! titu! titu!- give it to me! give it to me! yeah! open it! open it!

it is ours! it is ours now! in my hand! in my hand i have..- a diamond worth 30 crores. we own it now! beware! get lost!you three will keep fighting here.. ..and have you forgottenthe fourth one? - give me! what a lovely catch i have taken! now with this i willstraight go to switzerland. and i will settle there!

give! give! give! give! take that diamond! that diamond! give that diamond! buddy, how many times should i catch? you think i am a wicket keeper? catch him! take! take! come fast!fast! catch me quickly! quickly! the horse is a king.he will be beaten if he looks back! kabaddi! kabaddi!kabaddi! kabaddi! kabaddi! kabaddi!

i am enjoying this game! brother shyam! hey johnny! - yes! run away from here! and my share? can't you seethe police is coming!they will catch you! run! run! run! run! ram, what happened? that thief.. - your bag!

thief! see there thethief is running away! he ran away! what are you two doing here? i had come to purchase tea leaves. the milk was overi was going to get milk. we saw that sir wasthrashing that thief. sir is very strong! we stood here to see! look here the thief has escaped..

..and the police have arrived. you two also go andtake care of your tea stall. sir you have done sucha wonderful job today. so today the stall will be closed. won't you tell madamwhat you have done? yes, yes, see madam, see! in the other the real diamond! how did you get this diamond? madam, the thief had the diamond.

but sir thrashed himand acquired this diamond. ranjeeta,why are you influenced by their talk? is ever a real diamond so big?no, it never is! come on go! go! go! ram, this is not a fake diamond. this is the real nizam diamond.. ..that was stolentwo years back. - okay? the photograph of this diamondhad also come to our police station. sir, you have really done a wonder!

playing a game of thief and police.. have solved such a big case? now only your interviewwill be telecast on all channels. your photos will be clicked! your photo will be hungin all police stations. just think..gradually where will you reach? congratulations!so what if we could not.. ..acquire the diamond?we will not allow you.. take it too.

mother! - what is it? give me a little idli!(steam rice dough) how much will you eat?your stomach will pain. father! - yes! quickly ask for the bill otherwise.. ..mother will finish everything here. stupid boy! waiter! waiter! bill! hey one more..- no! bill, bill! waiter, bill!

yes sir, i will get it open your mouth! 550! - oh my god! 550? waiter, i do not wantthe bill of the entire hotel. i want the bill of this table.550? wrong! according to 30 rupeesfor 15 plates it amounts to 450. and the balance 100 for lentil,chutney and pancake. are you charging me forthe food or are you recovering.. ..the rent of this table? wrong! 550?

you should have thoughtabout this before eating. come on now pay the bill otherwise.. otherwise, what will you do? otherwise i will takeyou in and remove your clothes. how will you remove the clothes! why will you remove the clothes? this.. this.. you willremove my shirt worth 100 rupees? this wrap around worth 200 rupees. the vest worth 75 paiseand my knickers worth 25 paise.

will you remove that?what will you remove? what will you remove?waiter! waiter! go! sir, your bill has been paid off. who paid the bill? this sir has paid! greetings anna! - greetings! we have paid the bill. they gave the complete bill?- yes, complete! total? - yes, total!

thank you! thank you! you have paid off our foodbill now give us a room to stay! anna, what are youtalking about a room? we will give you a bungalow to stay! oh my god! a bungalow?you are not human beings.. ..but you are god! a god! brother, you are givingus a bungalow to stay. then we will need a car to go around. we have come all the wayfrom chennai here for sight seeing!

why only a car,we will give you a mobile too. take this mobile! oh! now i will connecta call to chennai! yes, definitely talk!talk definitely! i will connect to chennai!but now we will go from here! yes! okay!okay! get the phone along with you! papa, i will not marry ram! my dear what happened?what is the matter? because i love someone else!

my child,you love someone else? great! is he rahul, son of our commissioner? what? - no, papa! then, doctor parmar'shandsome son.. deepak! is he the one? right? right? i understood! that..inspector from kolhapur, vijay! he was your friend, right? correct? no papa!no! but you know him very well. i know him? - yes!

who is he? the same one.. our driver! shyam! horrible! horrible!my child, you will tarnish my name! the daughter of anacp will marry a driver? you will marry a thief,vagabond, a scoundrel? papa! he may be a scoundrel,thief or a vagabond for you. but for me he is my life! my child he is notyour life but some filth. you will marry the one i love!

with ram!my child you will marry ram! only ram and no one else! go! go to your room! go! okay! okay! i am going! but you just listen to one thing! i just hate that mustachio ram, okay? that stupid driver willbe my daughter's groom? horrible! horrible! mother! - yes!

you are shaving? yes, so what is new about this?i do it everyday. at times i do it twice a day! what? ram! mother, why do youwant to save money? you go to the beauty parlourand have a facial. - what? i am tired of telling mother this! what are you saying do facial?do waxing? do threading? - her voice?

i am fed up of this daily charade. i am your motherand not gulshan grover. i have to change myget up every two minutes! at times become a hippy or at times.. ..become a chandramukhi. become paro and attimes become your mother. mother! - to hell with mother. if i am his motherthen he is a naughty one! naughty number one! catch this!

he is your ram as well as your shyam! tolerate him! ram! - no! shyam! - yes! i will explain to you! come! "love!" "love! love!love! love! love! love! love! love!" "i am lost in your love, oh beloved!" "i have fallen in love,love, love, love, love, love!"

"i have fallen in love!i have fallen in love!" "my beloved, lost in your love!lost in your love!" "my head is cool! - okay!" "i am feeling weak! - oh!" "i am losing my life! - catch it!" "i cannot breathe! - i am dead!" "in the open air whenthe youth ventures out.. ..the ambience smoulders." "in the early morningyou are beside me..

..and there is love all around!" "i am crazy..i am crazy.. i am crazy.. after you!" "i am smouldering!i am smouldering! i am smouldering!" "come khalifa! come!' "oh khalifa come!" "oh my beloved, come near to me!" "i bestow myself on you!" "come into my arms! "yes!"

"take me close to your heart!" "no!" "these luscious lips!" "we will unite with ourbody and our tender hearts." "the lover will unitewill the beloved!" "my heart is beating faster!my heart is beating faster!" papa i am leaving homeand going away with shyam. where did you find this letter? from kajal's room.

i will not spare him!i will not spare this shyam! papa! - what? you? you came back again?did you forget your clothes? where is that scoundrel? papa i am sorry! i made a mistake! you were right!he is a cheater, a fraud.. ..and a scoundrel. no my child, you are latein understanding my point. you have lost a preciousperson like ram..

..for that worthless shyam. no! no papa! ram has forgiven me! - what? he is still ready to marry me. papa, i was going to commit suicide. he saved me and brought me back! here is he?where is my ram? where is he? sir, i am here! ram, why are you standing there?come here! come here! come!

sir, mother says thatyou should never enter.. ..anyone's house without permission. no my child,this is not anyone's house. this is your house! you have saved.. ..the honour of my house. if you say then i willleave this house and go. but you come in, please!come in, please! sir, you are my ideal,you are my guru, sir! sir, where can i find onelike you who blindly believes me.

my dear.. kajal made curd dumplings.. ..last night. will you eat that? sir, you used to alwaysinvite me to your house.. ..isn't it, sir? yes! yes! sir, today firsttime i have come here. today i will eateverything and go, sir! my child, light the stove!light the stove! - okay! great, my dear! great! this is stuffed potato bread!

and this is stuffed cabbage bread.piping hot! take this! take this! where is that?hey bring that! where is it? cumin potatoes!bring that! bring! give it here! keep it here! crispy ladies finger!bring the crispy ladies finger. crispy ladies finger! bring it here! sir, i am eating! sir.. - take this! potato! yes!

crispy ladies finger!bring crispy ladies finger. crispy ladies finger! this! yes! now.. now.. my son eat this! fritters! eat fritters!fritters! fritters! fritters! still everything is left to eat! still the sweets are left.curd dumplings are left. sweet porridge is left.this carrot sweet is left to eat! easy my child, you stillhave to drink four glasses of water. my child, slowly! eat slowlyyour moustache is coming out.

slowly! what? hey! hey! cheating! cheating! sir, what happened? sir, mustard vegetable. - stop! sir, vegetable! - stop! sir, what is the matter?i have only filled my stomach half.. ..and you have stopped? because my dear,i want to feed you a special dish.. german.- great! continental food too?

my dear, continental, international.. ..chinese moghlai everything! see this! - sir! - so pandey's suspicion was right. he was telling the truth! that ram is shyam, and shyam and ram! forgive me sir, it's my mistake. no, i will kill you. i won't forgive you!

i just ate your food! now have bullets. sir, this is 'sholay's'dialogue isn't it? 'sholay's' dialogue! wait! papa! where are you running to? he is thief shyam singh! not 'gadar's dara singh!

why you.. "thief! - thief! thief!- thief!" "thief! thief! thief!" wait! - "is creating a stir." come acp sir! sit inside. what do you think? you will be able to keep me here! the police will seekyou out within 24 hours. and they will shoot you at sight,bloody tea-sellers!

first of all, the policewon't be able to seek us out. and even if they do,they will salute us and not shoot us. same! same! total same! duplicate! same! same! he is international smuggler raghu! not smuggler!raghu swami dance teacher. 1, 2, 3, 4! 1, 2, 3, 4! dance master! not a smuggler!

raghu swami from trichinapalli! district allipulli, port godampulli! these scoundrels abducted my family! to make me do a dangerous work. stop narrating your story. take a look at him closely! his gait! his way of talking! learn everything properly! raghu swami!we are coming back in 2 hours.

we don't want any problemfrom your side. no, no! come on titu! teach him! come on, say something. walk! i want to practice. they will return after 2 hours. come on, 1, 2, 3, 4 come. 1, 2, 3, 4 speak. 1, 2, 3, 4! 1, 2, 3, 4! come!

then will come back!we both will die! we will keep it in the plastic. when we get the diamond,we will stash it in our pocket. listen to me! when we sell it.. listen to me, when we sell it.. brother. which one is the real raghu swami? the real raghu swami.. the real raghu swami,raise your hand.

look! trying to be clever with us! the real raghu swami,lower your hand. now look! don't lock horns with us. understood. do you think we are mad? brother, this is a confusion now! who is the real raghu swami? real raghu swami? it's child play to recognisethe real raghu swami?

i have two fathers. sister, one for you and one for me. not two just one father. i am your father. if you are his father, then who am i? i am your father. - i am your father. uncle look, i have two fathers. two.. brother, this plan failed.

yes. the children have failed us. but tony the wife will succeed us. bring the wife. lord, you gave me two husbands. thank you very much! one will bring the vegetables,and other will cook the food. one will take thechildren to the school.. ..and the other willflirt with me in the house. don't be too happy jayaprada.. have only onehusband and not two. and that's me, and not him. i have had enough of your act! now i will end your game. what are you doing, brother?leave me! listen, if the real raghuswami dies in this confusion.. ..then the acp won't spare us. and brother,did you forget the 30 crore diamond. 30 crore diamond!

you scoundrels! now your game is up! come! there was just onebullet in the pistol. brother tony, i knew thatthe acp and not the dance master.. ..will snatch the gunwhen he gets the chance. that's why,now the confusion is over. mr. commissioner, this is your house. and band master,don't act too smart understood. remember, your family is with us.

tell me, who is in your family. my family.. my wife jayaprada. my daughter sri devi,my son rajnikant! not in that house, i this house. in this family.. what is my name? ranvir. my name is ranvir anna! not anna, singh! - singh! my name is ranvir singh! - singh!

father's name dharamveer singh!- singh! daughters name, kajol singh! wife.. who is my wife in this house? she is dead. - dead. lucky! daughter! daughter! the apple of my house!the cream of my eye! daughter!- sir, i am not your daughter! i am the maid!

not the daughter!- sir is not feeling well. that's why i came here to drop him. he has come here to drop me. you escort him out! please go. not the daughter! she looks so good,still she is not the daughter. not the daughter. then where is the daughter.

why were you born with this face? and why did you haveto take birth in india? i agree you must have sinned. but why did you become the acp. cool! cool! papa. - daughter. daughter, not servant. daughter. papa, what did you do with your hair? i saw aamir khan's movie,'dil chahta hai.'

so i got that cut. the goatee here,that i will grow from tomorrow. papa, how are you talking? i drink south indian coffee.. i have becomehabituated of that language. south indian coffee! papa, are you fine? i am fine,i am just tensed abut the family. i am fine.

papa, i know you love me a lot. i even know,my decision has shocked you. that's why you have lost your senses. i.. but the brain can be treated! but if i marry the wrong guy,there is no solution for that. that's why..that's why i have decided.. ..that i will marry only shyam. don't do it know,it is very inauspicious time..

..after that is the auspicious it then. are ready for our marriage. do it, what do i care? get married as manytimes as you want. i will just go and tell ram. papa, i love you. it is rightly said, love is blind. completely. the daughter doesn'trecognise her father.

"a beautifully adorned girl!" "she dwells in my heart!" "i am floored!" "stop! stop! stop! stop! stop!" you scoundrel,because of your dancing and singing.. ..our entire plancould have been foiled. music is my weak point. when i hear music thedancer within me comes out. you fool! stop prancing around!

take the diamond out! take it out! - i am giving it. it is as big as the idli in my south! anna commissioner! why are you following me, didn'tyou get paid for the tea inside? the diamond! the diamond! what? - the diamond! first the family, then the diamond. so you want to act smart with us too.

he is acting smarter than you! what do you mean by that? look, stop putting up this act. give us the diamond,or else i will kill you. you will kill me, and i will die. you will die!- really! ask how? - how. you just a tea-seller! there are police officers here,law in-forcers.. ..they have weapons.

i am the acp! shot them. shall i order them! you are the fake commissioner! you know that, but not the police. you have troubled me a lot! now i will toy with you. the scoundrels! titu, he left.

what will happen now? nothing brother tony,now it will be climax. where have you brought me? i am the acp, what are you doing? now you cannot escape. i heard everything you said.. the tea-selleroutside the headquarters! tell me who you are truly! don't!

i am completely real! my body is real. only my hair is fake! it is from maganlal dresswala. fake. that's it. so they have foundthe acp's duplicate.. that they can gettheir hands on the diamond. where is the diamond? take it out!no, i won't give you the diamond.

if i give you the diamond, thenthose scoundrels will kill my family. i will not give the diamond. i will give them thediamond and save my family. i will not give you the diamond. stop scoundrel! we have stopped anna! now give the diamond. first my family, scoundrel! hey! don't abuse me! got it?

if you want the diamond,then you will have to hear abuses! scoundrel! stop your nonsense!give me the diamond! come on! your brother insulted me a lot!no! first i will slap him and then.. hey! - hey! hey! if you acted smart,then i will throw.. ..the diamond worth30 crores in the ocean! no, no! don't do that!30 crores! we will hear some abuses! what! - 30 crores are at stake!

not just him, slap me too! come on! yes! i will slap both of you!- come on! let him slap you! now it's my turn! now i am really tired! - diamond! now call my familyand take the diamond! you! - stop, tony! call the family! my lord! jaya!

my wife! my rajnikant! my sridevi! you are destined for the handcuffs.. ..and not the diamond! scoundrel! - okay! diamond! he has gone up! follow him! hey! look, what is in his hand?diamond! diamond worth 30 crores!

if he ran away thenhe will be the sole owner! and if you people nabbed him.. ..then each person will get 30 lakhs. what are you all looking at? nab him! "thief!" "thief! thief!" give me the diamond!give me the diamond! take it out from the pocket!take it out from the pocket! take out the diamond! tony!

thief! is creating a stir." did you get the diamond? yes! - diamond! you want the diamond? - yes! take this!take this! take this! - diamond! "this thief." pandey! pandey! shyam, hand over thediamond to the police! please! ram and shyam!what are you looking at?

quickly come ahead! otherwise it won't eventake me a minute to shoot. and it will take mejust a second to shoot you! johnny! my friend! you have come! you have come to save me! hey! move!i have not come to save anybody! i have come for the diamond!don't come ahead! what are you saying, my friend? to hell with friendship! what friend?

i receive the police's beating! i endure third degree torture!and you will get the diamond! give me the diamond! hey! as long as i am alive,i won't give you this diamond! got it? i will get the diamond after you die! don't touch me! if this diamond is not mine..then it can't be yours too! take out the diamond, tony!

surround them! nab them! get up! i said get up! take them away! i lost my 30 crores! hey! move! move! move aside! side! oh my god! what charade is going on? why is everyone standinghere and whiling away time? keep it down!

both of them are dead! why are you all just looking?come on quickly! pick them up!pick them up! quickly! quickly! take them! take them! ram is the true name! pandey, what are you thinking? sir, i still do not believe this! shyam is not the onewho can die so easily. pandey! pandey!where has shyam died so easily?

he has died after beingshot by two bullets! two bullets! two, two bullets! pandey, now what happened? sir, i am testing this! you are testing this? sir, nothing has happened!nothing has happened! just see this!this is just fragrance! this is ketchup!and that too tomato ketchup! pandey. go and bringfried snacks! go!

sir, you lick this saucelater first we will nab the thief. yes! yes! - come on! buddy, from where haveyou brought this machine? driving the car without a driver! now just see what happens further! hail bajrangbali!break the bones of the enemy! go! left! right! and jump!

"this thief! thief! thief!thief!" "thief! thief! thief! thief!" and blast! here comes your daughter okay papa, it is all done! my dear,you are going i don't like it! sir, i cannot understand one thing! how did all of a suddenkajal decide to go to london? because i cannot staywithout shyam in india. oh! so now you will goto london and stay with shyam?

she wants to say that nowshe would not like to stay in india. that means now she willgo to london and fall in love? hey mr. pandey.. - oh god! when will you stop thishabit of asking stupid questions? okay papa,i am really getting very late! okay my dear! - bye! take care! bye! - bye! bye! - say bye! my dear be happy! sir, has shyam goneto london with that diamond?

shall i go and check? pandey i.. i will reallythrow you out of the job. shyam is dead alongwith his accomplice. the diamond has gone with him. the case file is closed! understood! shyam is dead! "in india!" "in switzerland!" hey raghu!what are you doing over here?

this is a new getup of the smuggler.. the international airport. okay tell me one thing!is the brown sugar party.. ..going to come here orare you going to meet that party? raghu! i am not raghu! mistake! yes, i have understood!i have understood! but who are you? just see this!this stupid pandey has forgotten.

his is bilwag singh! this one you can see..this is lalbag singh! i am dilbag singh!i was your brown sugar customer. raghu, tell him! i am not raghu!brother, i am not raghu! why did you go there? have you never seen sardars? sir, i have seen manysardars but don't you think.. ..that these sardarslook very familiar?

may be that they aresimilar to the people we know? the way there was my duplicate raghu. the same way! sir that was a co-incidence!sir, have you ever seen my duplicate? why are you standing in the middle? to leave one person tenpeople come to see him off. madam, one minute!i will miss my london flight! hey! hey! why are you standing.. the middle of the road?

moustache! oh this is not a mirror. he is my look alike! brother, tell me one thing!did your father come to punjab? or did my father come to mumbai? one minute! this is my card!sandhu transport company brother, definitely give me a call. we will have to clear this confusion. mr. pandey! now do you believe?

Honk Diabetes,

that there are similarlooking people! yes, sir!there are similar looking people. so tomorrow you sendhim to the police station. and you go and drive a truck.

Since you now understand how to handle your problem, you are better prepared to make the right options and modifications in your own life. Keep in mind that these guidelines will only be pertinent if you utilize as a lot of them as you possibly can, and for that reason you must start off right now to see fast effects.

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