Friday, April 28, 2017

Harold Hamm Diabetes Center

Harold Hamm Diabetes Center. All forms of diabetes is a really serious sickness and overwhelming sickness. This information will present you with many diabetes mellitus understand and handle their situation.

koco back. much coverage from the if there are storms need to know about. abby: honoring oklahomans

Harold Hamm Diabetes Center

through compassion and creativity in our community. the oklahoma health center foundation's program recognizing

who they call oklahoma's treasures for tomorrow. thank you for being here. we're joined by carol troy, the committee chair and the director of -- mike knopp. is this a partnership between the health center and oklahoma's

treasures for tomorrow? what is treasures for tomorrow? carol: this is its 17th year. every year since its inception it has been helping honor people just like mike and wes walker were making a difference in our community.

the neat part about it is this year we are raising $50,000 to help with the oklahoma health centers diabetes center to raise money for research that will help us with diabetes in the future. i can elaborate later but that

is really do just of it. these people are doing innovative tngs that will change the world and health center. abby: i called in our hometown heroes. what does this mean to you? >> it's humbling, especially

with wes being the co-honorary. it really is an honor and i'm proud to be a part of the cause. i feel strongly about the cause considering what we at the river. it's all about trying to inspire people to have more active lives

and lifestyles so i feel like the mission behind all of this is powerful. carol: as most of our viewers know, wes is a graduate of heritage hall and then went to texas tech. abby: wide receiver there. carol: broken all kinds of

records. abby: no scholarship by the way. carol: and a lot of people thought he could not do it. for those of us who think i could never do something like that, he's a great role model for us. his foundation is helping

inner-city schools to have that kind of ability with role models for athletics. building healthi oklahoma as mike is doing. tell a little bit about what happens with mayors coming in from other cities to see what

were doing. >> this past weekend we had our festival, thousands of people out. on friday we had mayors from all over the country for the conference of mayors. was just amazing to see how mayors and other large cities

are looking to oklahoma city as a model for how we have approach activating our riverfront and getting people outside and active. there's a lot of great momentum going on in the city. a lot of gre leadership. i think the interview is apropos

because it is national children's health day. we really are working to get not just kids but a lot of kids out there away from the video games, the tv, out at the river, walking or rollerblading on the trails. grown up.

oklahoma city has gone from not whole lot to a whole lot in a very short amount of tim i have to thank the mayors because we had the conference of mayors contingent over the weekend. i have to think they were blown

away by what we were doing because of people like mike not -- mike knopp. abby was walter went on to be extrinsic successful in oakland city. honoring two guys from our backyard at the gala which is

coming up and it is october the 12th. carol: we would love to have all of you watching, the -- to be there with us. it is affordable. you don't have to have fancy dress. it's the 12th and it's going to

be at the embassy suites right on the campus of the health a beautiful new embassy suites. the money that's being raised is going to benefit one of the entities that serves people that have diabetes and struggling with obesity as well. the money is for harold hamm

to perhaps find the genome that will block obesity and diabetes in the future. oklahoma, unfortunately is one of the highest rated in the country for not only obesity but diabetes as well.

it's a huge grant. abby: i know a lot of the funds have previously gone to beautification, different funds and projects around town on glad that the money is staying here in oklahoma city. that is wednesday, october 12 and he said tickets are still

available. carol: the number i 271-2200. people would really love to have everybody be part of a very special, really fun evening. abby: treasures for tomorrow. thank you guys so much for being here.

take you everything you've done for our community. i hope you guys have a great time. i would love to be there but it is past my bedtime. mike, congratulations. very much deserved honor. markey's cosan competed in the

Harold Hamm Diabetes Center,

event of the week - markie's cosan competed in the event. carol: very proud.

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