dr. berg: hey guys, dr. berg here. in this video, we're going to talk about therelationship between saturated fats, eating saturated fats and diabetes or prediabetes. i really wanted to create a video on thisone point because there's so much confusion and conflicting data out there, okay?
in this video, i brought in a special guest. this guy is almost an equivalent as far asknowledge in the area of health. he's a really good looking guy as well. let's bring him on.
this guy is going to help just explain insulinand the pre-diabetic state called insulin resistance. would you mind doing that for us? dr. berg: hey guys, how are you? let me explain what insulin is, okay? insulin is a hormone that regulates bloodsugars. it lowers blood sugars, and the presence ofinsulin, you're not going to burn fat, and it causes fat to be stored, but insulin resistanceis something a little different, because it basically, as insulin connects into the cell,the cell doesn't absorb it anymore.
it blocks it. on the other side of the cell, you have lowinsulin or low effects of insulin. here, you have the cells that are starvingof food and nutrition and energy and glucose, yet you have all this sugar piling up in theblood. it's going to send signals back around tojack up the insulin. people with insulin resistance have five toseven times more insulin than normal people, and so many people have insulin resistance,they don't even know they have it. it takes 10 years to develop. it causes a stubborn belly fat.
it creates problems with a fatty liver, andthen having fatty liver actually causes insulin it's one big ugly cycle. some of the symptoms are tired after you eatlunch or dinner, not satisfied after you eat, craving for sweets is a big one, basically,high blood pressure, fluid retention. these are all symptoms of insulin resistance,okay? does that help? that was amazing. that was a very good explanation of insulinresistance. thank you.
there are gurus out there that are just pushingthis avoidance of saturated fat. i want to show you one right here, joslindiabetes center. now, if you look at one section of their website,they have the five myths, and this is just totally bogus information. i'm going to have my buddy just explain andshare these myths with you. would you just go ahead and show them thesemyths? sure, no problem. we have the five common myths for people withdiabetes debunked, okay? this is actually ridiculous.
people with diabetes have to eat differentfoods from the rest of the family, right? people with diabetes can eat the same foodsas the rest of the family. that's what they're recommending. that is crazy. what if they're eating sugar? you're going to eat the same thing? bad, bad advice. here's another myth. people with diabetes should never give into food cravings.
okay, they're calling that a myth, all right? it says right here, "if you crave, if a cravingdoes occur, let yourself have a small taste of whatever it is you want. in doing so, you'll enjoy the flavor and avoideating later on." bad advice. this is as bad as eating everything in moderation,because as soon as you start eating something, you are going to want it more and cravingit, because it's going to spike the sugar and drop it. the point is that the definition of fat issomething to protect you against the starvation
of sugar. this doesn't starve your sugar. it gives you a little bit through the day,just enough to block and any chance of losing weight. to be able to lose weight, you have to literallydrop sugars way, way, way, way down there, especially if you have a slow metabolism,because just the nature, you're not going to make the switch to fat burning if you don'tdo that, so bad advice. number three, people with diabetes shouldn'teat too many starchy foods, even if they contain fiber because starch raises your blood glucoseand makes you gain weight.
they're calling that a myth. starchy foods such as bread, pasta, rice,cereal provide carbohydrate, the body's energy source. that's not true. the body can run on ketones, which is a differentfuel source from fat. fruit, milk, yogurt in desserts contain carbohydratesas well. everyone needs some carbohydrates in theirdiet. no, they don't. diabetics have too much sugar in their blood,so they don't need to add more sugar in their
diet to stimulate the insulin. weight gain occurs when you take in more caloriesthan you burn off. this is one of the oldest, crappiest lies. they keep pushing this. this is not true. it's been proven to be an utter failure. number four, people with diabetes do not haveto worry about eating fats because it doesn't have much effect on the blood glucose. fat found in margarine, oil, salad dressingshave a little intermediate effect in blood
glucose levels. however, eating a fatty meal can slow downdigestion and make it harder for your insulin to work, causing a possible high glucose levelshours after your meal. again, that's not the reason. the reason is fats are neutral. fats are neutral and he's going to show youthat in the next part. you don't have to worry about eating fat. fat doesn't increase glucose, sugar does. if you combine them, that's really deadly.
yeah, that's all i'm saying. now i'm going to zip it dot com over to you. dr. berg: well, thank you, appreciate that. there are gurus out there that will tell youthat sugar doesn't cause insulin resistance or even diabetes, so check out this clip righthere. speaker 3: it's a myth that sugar causes diabetes. many people think that the consumption ofhigh carbohydrate foods or foods high in sugar are the cause of diabetes. it's easy to think that high blood sugar iscaused by sugar.
dr. berg: this is so not true. sugar does cause diabetes. check out this clip. speaker 4: what causes insulin resistance? it's intramyocellular lipid. it's fat that's inside the muscle fibers thatinterferes with insulin signaling such that your body has to keep pumping insulin to tryto force it into your muscles, which use about 85% of your blood sugars. your blood sugars rise because they can'tenter into the cells, and not just any fat,
but particularly, saturated fat is toxic. it's called lipotoxicity. dr. berg: interesting, eh? well, check out one more clip. speaker 5: all fats don't affect muscles thesame. the type of fat, saturated versus unsaturated,is critical. saturated fats like palmitate, found mostlyin meat, dairy, eggs, cause insulin resistance, but oleate, found mostly in nuts, olives,avocados, may actually improve insulin sensitivity. dr. berg: you see, this is why it's so frustrating,because you're getting conflicting information.
one doctor says, "eat fat." the other doctor said, "avoid fat." it's massive confusion. this is why i drink on the weekends. no, i don't drink on the weekends. it's going to increase my sugar, basically. here's the point. the point is you need to be able to understandwhat the actual research really says. for that, i'm going to bring on my buddy overhere that's going to go over the research
just so you can see yourself what the truthis, over to you. dr. berg: i'll help you out. okay, here are some research articles thatshow the relationship of a low-carbohydrate diet compared to a low-fat diet. this is from the new england journal of medicine. this is what it says right here. it says, "severely obese subjects with a highprevalence of diabetes or the metabolic syndrome lost more weight during six months on a carbohydrate-restricteddiet than on a calorie or fat-restricted diet with a relative improvement in insulin sensitivity."
in this study, they're showing that havingsome fat and low-carbs is a good thing for your blood sugars, okay? that's what it's saying, but of course, peopleignore that. okay, here's another one, "beyond weight loss:a review of the therapeutic uses of very-low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet." see, ketogenic is more of a diet where you'reinvolving a lot more fat to the diet, but you have to keep the sugars really low. it says right here, "very-low-carbohydratediets or ketogenic diets have been in use since the 1920s.
recent work over the last decade has providedevidence of the therapeutic potential of ketogenic diets in many conditions, such as diabetes,"and even other ones too, polycystic ovary syndrome, acne, neurological diseases, cancer,respiratory, cardiovascular. i mean, come on, these are research articlesthat show that saturated fats are not that bad, okay? they're actually therapeutic in nature. here's one, the american journal of clinicalnutrition, "long-term effects of a very-low-carbohydrate loss diet compared with an isocaloric low-fatdiet." yeah, and here's another one, "the effectsof a low-carbohydrate versus conventional
weight loss diet in severe obese adults, aone-year follow-up of randomized trial." it's basically showing us that fat diets arenot the culprit, okay? this is research that just proves that. what we want to do is we don't want to beafraid of fat, okay? over to you my friend. dr. berg: wow, that's amazing. do you realize there were really only sevenstudies that were done on this topic? out of the seven, only one, one study showeda weak relationship, it was called almost statistically significant.
what does that mean? almost is not always. almost is sort of but not really. all six studies show that there was no influenceor no effect on your blood sugars by eating saturated fats, but they ignored those, okay? really, these theories are based on one veryweak study that they're using as the reason to get the population off of the fats. this makes sugar okay to eat. you keep eating the sugar.
you keep eating sugar, and you never get better,but you still take your medication. there's something else called the insulinindex. there's a certain research that was done tolook at the relationship between non-carbohydrate things that stimulate insulin. the thing that i want to bring up on the insulinindex is that fats are low on the list, which means they're almost neutral. they don't affect insulin, unless you adda trigger, but if you're just having a pure fat, they buffer insulin. if you were to take a low-fat high concentratedwhey protein mix, that is a high insulin spike
by the way, and you took an egg which hasyolk and egg white, the yolk buffers the egg white. it makes it smaller in the reaction to insulin. fats, this whole time, had been totally okayto consume, in fact, necessary if you have a pre-diabetic state. why, because it allows you to go longer withouteating. if you're not eating, you drop insulin down,and you can actually really help people lose weight, help them with their blood sugarsso they're not eating six times a day, help them with the correct action.
really, here's the thing, the culprit hasnever been fat. it's never been the culprit. i'm talking about healthy fats, and saturatedfats i consider healthy if they're grass-fed
Does Obesity Cause Diabetes,and they're not inorganic. i want to just bring that point out to reallyteach you that because that is the most important thing to emphasize, is that avoid the carbohydratesnot the fats, okay? i'll see you in the next video.
Now that you learn how to handle your problem, you will be greater able to create the correct selections and adjustments in your life. Take into account that these pointers will only be appropriate if you use as most of them as is possible, and thus you ought to start right now to see fast effects.
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