hello everyone. it sure is a good pleasure... i always love to come and talk into this group because you guys are so beautiful,you're so loving... there's so many great souls out there
working on themselves and helping others. my god!you see what we're all doing? you all see what you're doing withthe planet, how you're helping it? i mean, you got to be proud of yourselves.
you know, some of you are struggling,and... you just have to keep working it. don't let anything stop you. because, you stop, you stop!you'll be right where you are and you don't want to. you just keep on going no matterwhat self-discipline it requires. who cares? you know... that's part ofthe art of developing yourself spiritually as self discipline. how do you stop the mind from thinking?
how do you control the mindif you don't have any self-discipline? you can't pull back into your awareness. and a lot of people can't.interesting enough! you know... l'm not surethis was a lot of people but... i was diagnosed with a... "something" that was going to put mein a wheelchair by the time l was twenty. that was when l was about...eleven, twelve years old... and l remember asking god for healing once. and just as tremendoushe went through my body.
but l was asking for the diabetic part. and the next day,my sugars were still sky high and l was absolutely devastated. well, fast forward to when l was sixteen,and l had begun my spiritual journey. i just asked god: why did you heal mefrom one and not the other? and l got one word: discipline. but, look at what it is takenfrom me to be in this chair! exactly... if l would have been healedat that moment,
my journey would look entirely different. and who knows where l would beand what i'd be doing? it wouldn't be sitting herehelping others and learning. you know, the importanceof what you just said lies in judgements. remember how l'm trying toget people us, our team even, because sometimeswe make judgement calls: you are too white, you're too fatyou're too this, you're too that. it's like... we all know whowe are and what we are
and what we have to do,in most of the same way. and so, it's just, judging others...you can't judge that. you can't judgehow god has created all this because something takes the negative sideto bring you to the positive side. that's why there's duality. only the mind claims thatone side's bad and one side's good. each side is just totally different. it's like chemistryone side is acid, one side is base. you could dub the acid side badin the sense that
it's the main responsible side forbreaking things down but you can't really do that because that side is essentialfor the other side, it exists for us, to have a body, have food, have everything, have duality. so you have to have both of these sides.there's no judgement to it. we got a quick looking with the eyesand we got a look with the heart. two women l know,one l used to work with. she was probably aboutfive seven, five eight...
thin as a rail,l mean, looking anorexic. and she would have to eat, she saida close to four thousand calories a day just to maintain her weight. another womanfive three, five four, high weight, about two hundred and thirty,two hundred and forty pounds. thyroid and adrenal issues major. she would barely eat during the day and yet she could not loose weight.(not funny.) but for us to look at itif we saw one eating a donut,
the skinny one,we'd just be like "oh whatever". but if we saw the heavy oneeating a donut: judgement right there! immediately. and yet the one would bring milkshakesand donuts and things like that to work to maintain that four thousand calories,diet awful. and the other one was eating leaves just trying to loose the weight. - hey drew!- hi drew! - are we alive baby?- oh we're alive. - hi everyone!- hello!
someone in the chat on periscope... — thank you so much for watching too,we love you. — someone just said they're actually watching a dr. morse youtubevideo right now! (laughing) so now we have a periscope videoon top of youtube video. oh my god! i'm not sure which q&a it wasbut the girl is watching this and the youtube video. (laughing)well, we love you guys.
i'm finishing up on the healing crisis that we put up yesterday and thenwe're going to talk about pregnancy, so... - have fun!- thank you. talk about a combinationof topics. thanks drew! you're welcome, thank you. healing crisis video, all right! yeah... good! bye! love you guys!
- thank you so much.- thank you! so yeah, that judgement... l mean, you can notjudge a book by its cover. sure, no, you can't. i wanted to finish up just on the healing crisisthat we were putting out yesterday because you know, if you dosomething, you always think: "gosh you said: rather this, rather that." you always do that. of course, that helps to develop you,
because you always — i am alwaysdeveloping my ability to talk and articulate what i can see and know,you know... physically. we've talked about that.it's one thing to know things, it's another to be able to articulatewhat your mind knows, because your mind is so big, and this (the mouth) is so small. sometimes it's hard to articulate: you start talking about what you think you see in your mind but it comes totally different sometimes. it's just takes a while to work on that.
that's not that you don't prepare but the minute i put a note on this paper, i am limited to what this paper says,(oh yeah, that's the problem.) but the minute i come and talkfrom the heart and speak... that's the only way i like to do it. i do have an outline for class but... try to keep it in some kind of semblance! we're going to tryto stick to the outline. oh yeah you do that!(laughing)
excuse me but... we've talked about what healing crisis really is, and how you can identify those in the iris and there's another thing thatwe're going to do in couple of weeks. teach them how to seea healing crisis coming, how to prepare the client for that, and basically, put yourself in a positive position of knowing what the person is probably going to experience. and so, we'll be talking a lot about that but...
what do you do during a healing crisis? and we've talked a little bit yesterdayabout the cooked food, the fact that has no energyin them and anymore so lowers your energy and of course when you're lowering your energy: that dis-ease. so you start getting weaker and weaker. the healthy is the energetic. the weak is the lack of energy. and of course, energy is consciousness, and awareness
and it is all just fits in all those ways. the more tired you get, the more cloudy you get. you noticed that? because this is the nervous systems. and so your nervous systemsis your liaison — if you want — to consciousness in a way. so some of these things... we talked about the ers. some people have sent to the ers,
just in case they need to stabilize. because some of you guys are so advanced, and when you woke up to realize that you have a problem, and no one can help you, you have to find the answers yourself. the medical community did not have them. sometimes it's scary when you wake up to that, when you wake up to the fact that you've been to 10 doctors, and no one's got an answer for you.
you don't know what to do. not only that but the medical industry and us, as humans, are used to pointing tothe fruits as the cause, because it stirs things up,and gets things moving. if you're dealing with stuff like that,it's got to come out. that's what the medical communityis used to doing. they point to:"well you ate a lot of fruits..." "look at... yeast and candida..."and it's got to be its problem. it's got to be the fault of the fruits...and it's not.
we've talked aboutthat before in a video. fruit really exposes what is underneath. because it's astringent,it starts clearing out, where the vegetables don't have that clearing ablility as much. if you have super super super concentrated chlorophyll, yeah that's like an astringent, but you gotso many other good astringents. why even mess with doing that, you know. i get a call at night and someone's in troublewith breathing or something.
so we look to their medicine cabinet, or to their pantry for cinnamon, cayenne pepper, any oil, because oils are anti-inflammatory.so when you have a pain, you can rub even olive oilin your kitchen cab. rub that on the spot. you can add just a pinchof cayenne pepper for warmth, and to improve circulation. but only a little dab will do ya! some people go way overboard.
just like some of you guysplaying with the black salves. understand that you don't gooverboard with the black salves. if you have a tumor this big,you only need black salve that's about as roundas the end of my finger. - it will open it.- oh yeah. you don't need to go massivewith the black salve. it'll entertain all that area wherever you put it. but remember when you're doingthe black salves too... you got to always go backand fix the problem,
like you would anywayor you're going to get another tumor. see the whole issue aboutwhat we do is to correct, why you have the tumors, why you have these things, and of course, get rid of them,because we fix that. so you just have to rememberthat if you pull a tumor, you still have to fix your kidney filtration and your adrenals and lymph system. how many times do you get a report back where your cancer is in remission?
that is actually a scary thing because it puts youin a state of feeling secure, but you just added all of the damage that the chemo createdplus the dead cells that were created that were cancer cells. now your lymphatic system has to work all that harder. you didn't fix thatyou added to that. so five years down the road...one year... six months - explodes...- "i'm sorry, your cancer is back."
and that's where it's back where it never left.and they didn't tell you it left. they told you, you were in remission, which means it didn't leave. and there's nothing to leave. it is not a conscious entity that says:"well it's time for me to go." it's chemistry! these are acids! you can't talk to themwell you could... ... but you'd have to be at another level...but still... you're not going to talk to him"would you please leave?"
that's not how this works. but a lot of medical doctorsthink things like that. i don't think they havesit back and look seriously at what they say. because some of it is idiotic. some is just like...what!? (laughing) doesn't make any sense. don't let a healing crisis stop youin any way shape of form, or set you back. and you will not be set back if you haveto add some cooked vegetables
to slow it down. my take really is to slow it down. if you're raddled out you've detoxed and your healing crisis is lasting to long... because most healing crisisare a few hours to a few days, but there are somethat last a lot longer... how you make them lasta longer is your diet. your diet controls how you deal with a healing crisis. if you want to slow it downyou add cooked food.
if you want to hold it there,eat vegetables and fruits. if you want to push it throughand get rid of it, go to fruits, berries and melons. kick that detox up! i have actually had someonedraw back slightly from a healing crisis doing the more vegetable fruits. i love that category! we got some new charts for youwith that on there! you know, coconuts, bananas, avocados...it slows things down.
bananas will slow things down a little bit,depends on the level you are at, absolutely. we talk about the art of detoxification,the art of healing someone. holy moly... that's a big truck...(laughing) we got some stuff coming... i think i've coveredthe healing crisis pretty good. if not, send me a message if i neededto cover some area that we didn't. but we wanted to covera special thing, marcie wants to cover this today sowe want to talk about
you ladies for a minute.(yes.) before we switch to that though. the first thing to remember... in any situationespecially for detoxing is do not panic. because so many people,they panic, and then, you forget what to do, what you should do. you usually end updoing something wrong. call us! email us! make sure you make that notethat it is an emergency.
otherwise they'll go in the queue,and it's going to take longer. do not panic. think it through. most the time, i tell people: if you are not going intoanaphylactic shock, if you don't think you're havinga stroke or a heart attack, or bleeding profusely, it's a healing crisis. (yes.) and just ride the wave! there's another thing you can remember.
if you think you're havinga myocardial infarction or heart attack — very, very important —or if you see someone in a heart attack or start to sweat profuselyand start to go out, you grab, if they have it,a left hand. i did that in the hospital onceand this guy was an amputee from diabetes and didnot have the left foot. i had to go to his left hand. the left foot to me works faster, but you want to go hereon your left hand. or just on this pad right in here.
on the left foot, same thing. you got your toe and your pad rightdown here. get a foot chart. and you start rubbing that. i pulled three people out ofcardiac arrest with that technique. and i mean flat lined. one was not flat lined. and if you're not sure what you're doing and you're nervous about that, just grab their thumb andput your hand right back here. what you're doing is creating a circuit. and it'll at least keep things goinguntil help arrives.
that's a good idea. there's a lot of first aid things you can do. some people, though of course, to get the cayenne pepper down you have to be carefulwith things like that because it's shocking everything else. they don't do the mouth resuscitation anymore, so... unless you're cute... (laughing) never mind!
we like to have fun here!(yeah!) one of the reasons i wantedto talk about this next topic... it has brought anything fromjoy, excitement, wonder, to anxiety, fear, trepidationand even grief. and that's pregnancy. from getting pregnant,to conceiving, to having that child. we just wanted to talkyou through that. we're going to start with fertility, those who are struggling.
we'll move to safety,and herbs during pregnancy, post pregnancyand even nursing. we're just going to dig right in. go ahead. i'll just be your cheerleader.(laughing) i've had a lot of people coming to us who are struggling with getting pregnant. when your body gets out of whack,out of balance, it throws the whole chemistry off keel, especially acidosis affects everything.
it's not prone to liking this areamore than that area. it can really throw the body offwhich can throw off being able to conceive, especially the hormonal balanceand things like that. ask them what tissues that acidsdo accumulate in faster than others? what do you think? we are psychically in tuned to our groupbecause they're all great souls. and i heard someone over here say the answer. what did they say? what was the question?(laughing)
what are acids more proneto be drawn to? your genetic weaknesses. all your genetically weakened areas. and dr. jensen talked a lot about that. we point that out on the eyesall the time. all your genetically weak, lacunas, crypts etc. you'll see that lymphatic ring,shadows... that's where you see those acids accumulate. it could be the uteri, ovaries, could be anywhere.
doesn't matter the tissue,it matters the weakness. if i have a hole in this endof my roof but not this end, and i don't fix it, and the elements, the rainsthe storms they come, the end with the hole is going tobreak down quicker than the end without. that is why you can have32 people lined up here with a weakness at different areas. i can have 3 people walk inwith pancreatic issues. one is pancreatic cancer,
one is pancreatitis, and one is type 1 diabetes. they didn't walk in with the same issue,it depends on the weaknesses, it depends on how the systemsin the body are working together, or not working together... what tissues are involved, the beta cells, the islets in the pancreas, or the pancreatic duct. again how we weaken ourselves, through this long journey of genes
and chromosomes,and all the mutations of that. but! the cool thing is... it can all be turned around,(yes.) and go back to the stronghealthy side again! i mean nothing is down forever. it swings over here and you can swing it right back.thanks god! i mean if you swing your boat to farto the acid side, some of you can't get you bodiesback, to stay in them. that's a fact. it's just the way it's going to be.
don't take your body that far. and this lack of being able to get pregnant, you can name numerousdifferent reasons for why, but you have to chase thatback to the original, and that is the acidosis. whether it's affecting the pituitary, weather it's causing inflammationin the fallopian tubes, whether it's causing inflammationin the uterus, regardless of why you're not able to get pregnant,
you've got to get those areas healthyand clean those out. i have a number of ladiesthat i have strongly recommended taking 6 months to a yearafter looking at their eyes, i mean they came to usbecause they couldn't get pregnant, but after looking at their eyes strongly suggesting that theytake 6 months to a year. standing on this side of getting pregnant, 6 months to a yearcan seem like forever, but standing on the other side and having a healthy baby
or the fact that you did nothave a healthy baby or even lost that child becauseof issues going on inside here. can make 6 months to a yearseem like that. take that time and clean! there can't be a better point made, i have to tell you, because we see themon the other side where the babies are now mutated.it's a mess. the virals are out all over the place andwho knows if they're being released by... ? there's a lot of governments right knowinto these sort of things.
it still goes back to your terrain. it's easy to get a woman pregnant. it's easy to fix the pituitary, ovaries. easy to get a woman to conceive. what's not so easy is to getthem to hold that and also to make that healthy. because you're going to have the same weakness in the offspring. so it's one thing just to hitthe pituitary and get the lady to conceive.
that's about as easy as it gets. you don't need fertility placesand all this kind of crap. that's ridiculous, so stupid. theses guys should knowhow to get a woman to conceive. but the pituitary... what you are saying is so vital to understand is that you want to fix why your pituitaryis down, why you can't conceive. it's easy to understand what glandsare involved in conception and what hormones and stuff,that's easy.
why you don't, just like you said, really vital to fix that. most people when they're pregnant tend to pull away fromthe eating healthy, raw, fruits, etc., because i want to make suremy baby got all the vitamins, etc. everything you put in your mouthis building that child. why would you want to putsomething in there that is going to builda weaker, weaker child? this is the time to firm up, to get serious,
to put the things of nature... i did not do this well when i was pregnant. i didn't know to do this well. i may have been into herbsfor most of my life. i may have been eating betterbecause of the diabetes, "having to eat better", but you can still eat awful that way. and i didn't know to do this for my children. i'm jumping ahead of myself here.
just like that child is tied to thatmother's immune system for 9 months. that mother's weaknesses can become that child's. you provide things for that childduring that pregnancy, but that child can also,even tiny, provide for you. all three of my pregnancies, my children gave me insulin. my very first onemy [blood]sugars were amazing. he was born,he went from providing me insulin, to just having to provide 7 lbs insulin, it took them a weekin the neonatal unit
to get his sugars stabilized,because he kept wanted to drop, he kept over producing insulin. now, fast forward ~20 years,his adrenals are very, very weak. he has a weight issue and potential for type 2 diabetes. yep, yep. the bottom line is there, isn't anythingbetter than feeling good and healthy. whether it's a lifetime of raising children who are mutated with serious problems, or losing children at saint joe's
who think we must poisonand kill our kids to save them. and they have no clueabout true genetics and what is going on. we can no longer trust our kidsto the medical profession. if you guys haven't got that yetyou need to because there are some serious mutations of kids. we've had the parents at our classeswho were all crying to hear the stories. it's not even funny. the ama does not understand infants, how to raise them, to feed them,to take care of them,
what happens when theyhave digestive problems. born with neuro-toxicities? suppressed nervous system? they don't know! they don't have a clue. then they end up making everythingso much worse. for those of you that are listeningthat are wanting to get pregnant, making yourself healthy firstis such a key. i will share this real brief. i didn't understand this routeand my second pregnancy, i knew it was a rough pregnancy,i felt it from the beginning.
my husband and i both did. we got to 34 weeks and went in for an ultrasound. they said everything was fine. monday he was gone. we were supposed to doa c-section on wednesday. enlarged liver. probably had to do with my sugars. most likely. but that's a devastating situationto be told your child is gone. you don't know what to do, what to think,what to feel... the emotions... i mean it's been ~20 years since that,
and my husband and i still dealto some extent, to this day, with some of the fall offfrom that loss. but, that's why it's important! if i would've known what i know now, to take the time to strengthen myself upbefore that event happens, so whatever that issue waswouldn't have taken place. the grief that you can save not only yourself, but your children, it's absolutely key. detoxing while pregnant, is not the time to detox.
while you're pregnant, is not the time to do it, to try to remove, the junk, that's supposed to be in there, because the body can get confused, and remove the child. detoxing before handthat's when you need to do it. getting healthy beforeso not only are you healthy and strong, but you, are building and creating a healthy and strong child. also remember what's genetic is the cells, right. but, the body has two other thingsin there, that take care of the cells: the blood and the lymph.
so you have to understand thatfluids aren't genetic. so how does your children get so bad lymph systems? mama... you as mothers, your babies are hookedto your blood and lymph systems. you're circulating their cellular sewage through you, and what if you're not filtering? well neither is the baby. this is why we see babiesnow with tumors in them, why saint joe's is full,
why you see what's going on herewith the kids, on all levels. it's just sickening. we got to turn it around. and then the virus thing... ongoing lack of understand of terrain. and you have people all around the world that have diets, makingtheir bodies toxic as hell. everywhere! if you're not eating fruit and vegetables, you're eating foods that clog your body,
you're eating foods that are notdesigned for your body, and i have to tell you, even vegetablesare not designed for your body! go to the fruit-veggies. how do you like to chew on a piece of kale? or a ripe pineapple from hawaii? or a mango from the tropics? is there a comparison? and how does your body digestand deal with each one of these? and what's the exchange back to you energetically from them?
i want to take us back, to catch what you said. the cells can be genetic, but about the blood and the lymph. that changes on a daily basis. it changes according to whatyou're eating, what you're breathing, what you're taking in,what you're drinking... that's not the genetic part. i have clients all the time saying: "well my dad/mom had this blood disorder,i've got this disorder." you don't have the blood disorder,
you have to trace it backto the root of the issue. it's the cellular weaknesses, that's where the true weaknesses are, that they look at. all the factors in the blood is from the cells. you just have to look at that. we have some serious health problems, and that babies... their sewer systems comeright out of mama. look at your lymph system. that will be your babies' lymph system. as far as fertility goes,
clean up the diet, get as raw as you can. our female reproductive formula, has to come with a warning. if you've cleaned yourself up... i've told them, but still i have to tell them again. yes. going after the pituitaryand strengthen it is going to be good. there is some wonderful herbs, to help with that. and shannon and i are working onuploading some good things to our website, different herbs for different things,
fertility, while you're pregnant,and post-natal... within a couple of weeks hopefullythat will be up. during pregnancy! one more thing on the fertility. get rid of the acidosis. we've already talked about the cleaning up, but the acidosis is your biggest issue, with not getting pregnant. regardless of whether that's the pituitaryuterus etc. that's what you got to do. 9 times out of 10,when you can't conceive as a female,
it's your pituitary gland. if you go to your eye and get an eye picture, remember how i showed you howto tell the pituitary, right above that bowel wall, that transversecolon which goes across the top, you'll always see that, which always links the transverse bowel with the pituitary problem. it's almost like this has a feet. and remember the radii solarithat come up here. they are like toxic tunnels.
that's what you have to nip in the butt. that's why when you go after detox, you're going after bowels, kidneys. you're going after youreliminative organs. because you're not eliminating any more. so you have to go after the eliminative organs. i just got a word picture, sorry! oh i can't wait to hear this one. have you ever been walking in the city andyou see the things in the middle of the road... what are they called?
man hole covers! and you see that steam rising up, from them, sometimes. i just thought about that...those radii solari, those little groves, are just gaseous, toxic vapors from the gi-tract, rising up those crevicesinto the brain. a lot of people probably don't realize, the body produces a lot of gas! a lot! oh i think people do realize that!(laughing)
but you can see them leaving your skin. it's funny you know...it's just chemistry being utilized. if you use the female reproductive formula, it has herbs in there for the pituitary. but, as marcie said,you can conceive real easy here, and you want to be careful,because it isn't just about conception, you want to get out of that. if you're just semi-focused on conceiving then you got to take some time meditating,and get your act together.
because your too emotionally involved in this. and that's not why you have children, you want to pull back from that. take a look at what you really want, how you want your life to be. bringing in another soul to this planet, and what you want their journey to be like. there is a huge responsibility in that. (huge.) you're supplying a bodyto a big soul, like you guys, to come in and experience the planet.
so, the experience is going to be totally related to the health of the physical body, because that's your vehiclewhile you're on earth. and you'll either be in a chairor whatever. and right now is when people really have to take a look at this, and fix it. thinking about during pregnancy, think about what foodsyou use for what. one of the most important thingsyou want in your baby is to have a nervous system top notch. that includes a central ns,the hard drive, (brain) obviously,
and the autonomic. without that, you see adhd, ms,lou gehrig's, right down that long list. and none of it is fun! that's why the fruits, the berriesand the melons... as infants. not the vegetables. we're not horses or cows, your baby is not going to bea horse in one year. a baby horse or a cow is pretty heavy in one year. our kids don't grow like that. so we don't want that [vegetables].
what we want maturedis the electrical system, because that's how everythingis turned on or off. so real important. remember this is not a time to detox[during pregnancy]. so, things likethe avocados or coconuts... coconuts are amazing for pregnant women, amazing for babies. i'm going to tell a story about that when we get there. during pregnancy we've had a lot of peoplecall in.
"what herbs are or are not safe?" there is a lot of testing going on outthere on these herbs. one example that shannon pointed out... it says right here that aloe verais not good during pregnancy. but you have to understand, that one is for diuretic. and that's only if you add the leaf part[of the plant]. so they test, either to much, only one partof the plant. or they throw everything in the mix. you have to look at whois doing the testing, #1.
#2 these plants and berries have been on this earth longer than we have. we animals have been eating this for years, in small quantities. you don't see them eating a plantand dying, unless... of course, there aresome plants that are toxic, but... i want to know how many people got killed testing plants. i'll say this, and i've told them before... the big one we hold back onof course are the lymphatic herbs. most these other herbsare so gentle, nice and sweet, and can't even think of one that is bad for you.
and in combinations,they're even better! exactly, combinationsare even better, because they're our friendsworking together. you know we all work better as friends than one, remember? remember eleven eleven...you know... we're alone but work together as one. it's always better that way. so, young lady calls, 12 weeks pregnant, she just got her thyroid testedand it's triple what it should be.
the doctor told her he wanted herto go on synthroid. she wanted to know naturally, the opinions. of course, mine was that synthroidis taking that thyroid down. go all raw. do some herbal support,not detoxing, but herbal support. get as raw as you canto help with the acidosis. so, she got excited,ordered the herbs, started going all raw. within two weeks, she hadn'teven received the herbs yet,
she had lost 10 lbs, she had energy out the wazoo,and was feeling incredible. and then she made the mistake —or i don't want to say mistake, that's the wrong way. she shared with her doctorthe herbs she was doing, and that she didn't want the synthroid. the doctor had her bring on all the herbsto see what was in them. #1 he's never studied herbs. #2 i doubt he could tell youwhat dandelion root is or does.
i'm making an assumption there, but... this is a topic of mine that has me highly... energized. he told her thatshe could not do the herbs. his words were: "i can't tell youexactly why, but you can't do the herbs. your thyroid may be (it's not aboutstimulating) damaged. it can effect the baby, so you need to be on the synthroid." does he not realize that that synthroid she's taking is also, while she's taking it, and the baby is also taking it! it's taking down the babies thyroid.
they decided to do both, because they didn't want to upset the doctor. that bite my tongue... if she had a hypo-condition, taking the synthroid could conceivablybring her thyroid up but give hyperthyroid to the kid.it could do that. it depends on the geneticsof the thyroid in the kid. thyroid doesn't have to have low thyroid because it's in the mother. that could make the kidhave hyperthyroidism.
the whole thing is idiotic. use a glandular if you want. if it's hyper, he said that the numberswere way too high, which would depict hyperthyroidism, so i don't know. unless we're talking about the tsh. the tsh was triple. interesting... because we go immediately to the thyroidto assume that's part of that, but pituitary controlsso many other systems, that you don't know why it's hyperactive.
and she does show pituitary weakness. she could have an irritationin the transverse colon, making the pituitary hyperactive. she could have a spastic condition of thebowel, making the pituitary hyperactive. could have a bunch of mucusin the pituitary. acidosis can make youhyperactive initially, just like a coffee enema... all those things. the sad thing is that the healthcare level of thinking,
like this doctor, is at the level it is,in today's world. but these guys are struggling,and they're gonna claw... they've been clawing at me for years,calling me everything under the sun. i don't care about that part of it, but when you start hurting people because of your ignorance, there is a red line somewhere. somebody got to draw that you know. well, if you were lookingat buying a cadillac, and i come up to you and i say:you don't want this car. why? well #1 the color's ugly.
#2 the wheels don't look pretty. well what about the motor?well i don't know. have you ever ridden one marcie?no i've never driven one. do you know how it actually works? no not really, i just read some stuffabout it that i don't like about it. are you really going to take my advice? i've never driven a cadillac,i don't know what's under the hood. well i do, but normally most people wouldn't. the way of functions and everything.
you talk to a doctor about herbs, that's not what they know! that's not even what they study! their degree, and i'm sorry to say this,because i believe that there are really a lot of people that get into health care to help. but a doctor's degree is based onthe drugs that they've learned! yes they learn some systems and where theyhook up and all this and that. but they don't learn how they work together. and they do not learn how to naturally deal with that, and stimulate those "systems".
they learn about symptoms and the drugs that controlthose symptoms for a while. well, i like the lymphatic level thatthey're taught. and i've often thought that lymphologistsout there, should have some interaction withthe medical profession because if you don't understandthe lymph system even half way, you're lost. you name diseases, autoimmune, you have all this bull crap opinions and ideasabout things you have no idea what it is, so you have to label on somethingto make yourself look half way descent
since you're an intellectual,you're supposed to know these things. that's all bull crap. everyoneis not supposed to know everything. medical doctors got to realizeyou don't know everything, and you're not supposed to. you know what you've trained yourself in. well retrain yourself. we're all responsible training ourselves. nobody else is.(absolutely.) and even when you call in here,we like to provide you with information
and tools, things like that. but you still got to take responsibilityfor learning on your own, digging in and figuring out why. it's like that letter i read to them the other day with the lady who had the tumor, cancer. she couldn't get an appointmentwith us quick enough so she just hit the 14 week protocol, and hit the grapes and hit the lemon,no more tumor left. she goes: wow!
that's what i'm talking about. that's how easy this is. all of you can do this, it's easy. we're here to support and help, but you got to walk your own walk, but it's an easy walk, and it's a feel good walk, except for the healing crisis. it's a feel good walk! it is a feel good walk. i will say it is easy. there are cases that aren't. robert is... —there's a verse that said: what is it... you all know thatl do this wrong, these quotes.
something like: "a day to the lordis like seven days to us." robert is a lot like that. a day to robert is like seven days to us, so when he says: "oh, we're donewith that in three months!" "oh, we're done with that in two weeks!" remember not all of us do.(laughing) that's true, that's true... i guess i like to bring inour sensational cases, because we have some damn good cases.
people that have really donesome amazing things with their health. it's just shocking to see what you can do to a very mutated body. it gives you that god feeling again... "oh! god is here!",that sort of things... there is a lot of people are so depressed since everything is so negative nowadays, that you kind of lose that feeling that, the energeticness of creation and life, and just having life and experiencingform, we've lost that even. and now we're suffering quite a bit. change all of that! turn all of that around!
you don't have to allow the negativeforces to bother you at all! you turn it all around! you don't have to live within duality,your bodies do, but you don't. yeah. your bodies always have to, and youhave to play that role with your bodies. and during pregnancy, like i said,this is not the time — you could do a small parasite cleans, but that's not what you typically what you're looking out, the body can kind of confuse that babywith a parasite sometimes.
this is the time to build the body, to support, and put good nutrition, and sound nutrition. there's plenty of herbs that support things. we've got nettle in a lot of our stuff, which is amazing during pregnancy. and red raspberry, like i said shannon and i are going to work on that. don't be afraid of the herbs! we're not going to recommend somethingthat's going to harm your baby. remember: not everythingon google is true. no kidding that!
a greater statement has never been said. i mean we have a tendencyto worship google. these are opinions of others.the same as books on our shelves here. they're just opinions, by peoplewho have no clue. none of theses people have healed people worth a crap, to be honest. they don't. but they havea little piece of the puzzle. i have taken a little piece hereand piece there, because we used to play jigsaw puzzles. remember in indiana in the dead of winter.
the kind of place for playingthose at the store... still ! you have to understandthe puzzle first, the picture, i've talked about that. then putting the pieces together. not one person has it all. i've tried to pull everything together, but you can see you guys are helping usto increase our awareness. we're always learning, that's for sure.(exactly.) and we love that.we love getting feedback from you guys!
this did this and that did that! that's the excitement of the mind, is to learn and not become narcissistic and elitist doing it. you now what i'm saying. (yeah.) what about women who already are pregnant though? what if someone just woke up, they know they got kidney problems. they're pregnant... what am i going to do?just carry this and go on? well, of course i would jump to cleanup the diet immediately.
excactly! so what happenswhen you change your diet? because you do wantto change your diet, right? you want to go as muchall raw as possible. here's the problem on going all raw...what is it ? detox. exactly. just changing your diet to all rawwill detoxify you. and you can't stop it. it's your body doing it. you have to trust your body thoughto be wise not to let the fetus go. if one of you are in a detoxor in a raw food diet,
and lose your baby, there's a reason! and you can't feel to bad about it, the same with you. because there's a reason for everything, remember that? sometimes those soulsare not supposed to be here. easy to know.(yeah i know.) remember we are justsupplying bodies, for the souls. the souls come out of the godhead. you have to realize thatif you have a week fetus, that baby could have had problemsthat would have been inhuman,
or you could have had a situation wherenot knowing about the medical community and their unawareness with children. do some bad things. there's so much andyou just can't live with that. you just have to understand thatwe only ride the ride, strings are already being pulled. and it is about letting go, especiallyemotions and things like that. you have to understand that all thattie you to past and to things. and you do need to learnto let things go.
so many people get in cycles andthey think they've dealt with it, and then all of a suddenit comes back up again. it's a lot like a healing crisis. you can clean a specific areaand think you've dealt with it, and then you get dig, dig, dig, dig, boom. oh i must have further to get rid of. so look at this. your physical body is your lowest chemicalbody that you are wearing currently to be viewing this andunderstanding what we're saying.
your human body is your lowest body. your next body is your emotional body. so as you clean your physical body, you're going to be pullingthat emotional component which is hooked to your adrenal glands. each of your endocrine glands are hookedto your final bodies, believe it or not... they called them "chakra" in india,but it doesn't matter... these are energy centers that controla lot of things in each body. and so, we just have to understand that.
the emotional componentis going to come in... and the mind! some outhere — i've said thisa lot of times on these guys — you want to be stable because this worldis going to be still a little south. and so you got to hold your awarenessor you're going to go cuckoo. look at what's going out there,and the people are just going cuckoo. women are cutting babiesout of other women because they don't want to go through itand couldn't conceive, so they're taking... remember that? just 2 or 3 years ago. starting cutting women, opening,grabbing her baby out of them...
what's causing all of that? that's what man has to look at. how are the balances: the mind,the emotions, and the physical body. of course, foremost of people, they can only start with the physical body. start eating right, cleaning that out. then it will reach into your emotions.you'll have emotional detox. this is what you're going to talkabout a lot in the class. and then it reaches into the thoughts,and the past experiences, and the past coming up to haunt you.
and that you got to clear that out too. you got to be preparedbecause you just can continue it, whether you're detoxing physically,emotionally or spiritually, you just can continueto go deeper and deeper. now it can be an exciting thing if you get to the pointwhere you look at it as that. - i think so.- it's about perspective. exactly because each levelbrings an other level. and it's new, and it's excitement,and it's a feel good thing.
you're less out of pain, more flexible, more awake. there's just nothing like it. then you start having that unique level of life. and that's when you startfeeling and understanding how all life is from the same source. there is just different shapesand forms but we are all one. that brings a lot of principlesand the nirvana. if you find that you're pregnant andyou're wanting to do something about it, supporting the body like we spokeabout it is a good thing.
there is one time i would probably definitely recommend doing some detoxing, and that if you find out thatyou're pregnant and have cancer, which we definitely run into it. you can still run this race, you can do it gently, but you canstill be doing some cleaning. you should find someone you trust it,knows the art of detoxification, or knows and can take you forward and you start slowlyworking yourself towards that, because you're not just workingyourself towards that healing,
you're working your babytowards that healing. i always tell people all the time, there's only a few thingsthat limit this process. numer one is time, and number two is attitude... belief. don't let doubt sneak in. doubt is acidic. it can stop a personal in its track. we had one client came in one time.
doing amazing, feeling amazing, and he hadn't got his finalreport yet from his doctor. he was feeling better, moreenergetic, feeling stronger. his doctor come back to him... "you've got 3 weeks to live." he believed that. he, from the moment he got that, his wife said she saw himjust doing this spiraled downhill, and within 3 weeks he was gone.
it makes me sick. but that's how it happens...you accept the fact. but you know, that shows a weak soul.and that soul may be come back. he already has a groundworkto the raw foods. so he's coming right backwith an other body. that will be more aware soul and to be stronger soul. but when you believe in that crap, and you let someone dictatehow time you have left on the planet, you're a weak soul.
and you all can't be weak in today'sworld or it will consume you. it's like it did that guy. you want to be strong,reclaim the self. get your joy back.reclaim the self again... because you're in the negative time,the kali yuga for you indians. and you know the kali yuga is the ending... we have that in the bible,we have in all religious writings... the movement of creationand what's coming. the hopis olders, the siouxolders both came out.
remember i told you that once. i have their writings,particulary the hopis. but i like the sioux as well of course. they both came out, think the same things. we pushed the way too far. so, it says you could onlyride the ride now. so you just have to get positivefor yourself, get your worlds in order. and just let whatever happens happens. and i don't care how long you're in school.
no degree, no certification,no training, anything... ... has ever given any man the right to say:"you only have so long to live." no! i don't care what doctor you are. i don't care if you are a specialist, on top of the specialist on top of the specialist. you have no right to do that. i have one gentleman called me,told me about a friend of his, has a seven years old boy,he was dying. and i said : "you haven't dothis, this and this?" and he goes : "no the doctor toldwithin a week he'll be gone."
and i said : "and they settle for that?" no doctor ever tell me anything they would make me sit down and give up before that childis taking his last breath. absolutely...and that's what gets me... some people are not highly evolved humans, they're just kind of part of the pack. and they accept what they're told,and everything else. don't be a follower. remember: the followers,the views are always the same.
if you're not a lead dog, the view is always the same. and that's just the problem. you don't have to be agressive. but you want to claim your rightsand your awareness in your world. and you don't let anybody telling anything you don't want in there. but also don't rule outthe good stuff, that sort of things... surround yourself with positive people, people that believe in this journey, not that's to say you get rid ofeveryone around you that's negative
but you may limit your time with them for a little while. you may get together with themonce a week, instead of every night. you may say: "you know what? if you're going to be around meright now, i don't want to hear it." you just have to. don't get upset if your friends change too. sometimes friends need to change, if you just walked on with the wrong friends. if you have friends that enable youor take away your energy,
dump them. start getting some new friendsthat feed you, that help you, that put their ams around you, that feed your journey and give yousome substance in your world. the whole thing with during pregnancy,is there's answers and support out there. don't believe everything you heard. herbs, you re not here to hurt us.herbs, you're not here to kill us. herbs, you're not hereto get rid of our babies. vegetables.
there's just vegetables with an attitude. and that attitude came from god. "i'm here to fix your kidneys, move over, let me do my job." i love plants.and that's what they're here for. and when you embrace them,they embrace you even more. cool stuff! i'm amazed this... i love this... people are always saying:"what about that vitamin and stuff?" your herbs are loaded.
they're absolutely loadedwith viamins and minerals. it's like the nettle, stinging nettle. that's like a multivitamin,right from nature. you know, we always takethe little chewables wall mart. go home, feed your kids with nettle. it's one of the best thingyou could do. ok, now with that in mind, what are the 4 processesthat is essential? when we talk about nutrition,
and that's the one thingthat you and i see constantly, and it's called: malabsorption. you have to go back to the 4 basic principles of wellness. first you must digest your food properly. second you must absorb those foods through your intestinal wallinto the lymph system or the blood capillaries. thirdly you must utilize, so metabolize. this is hormones, steroids,neurotransmitters, enzymes and the like.
fourth and finally you must have to eliminatethe by-products from all these processes. that's the final stage, but that's our first stage that we haveto work on because that's what we've lost. now, in loosing the laststage of elimination, we've lost all the other stages! we all absorb ? most peoplemalabsorb in some extent. when you say: "i'm just going to takevitamins and minerals because i need them." wrong thinking. i want to get my body to where i utilize the chemistry that i'm eating.
and when you do, you'll be surprised how little you need to eat for how much power andenergy you will have. it's amazing! we don't need to eat the kind of food that our processorshave been putting through. all the meats, and thepotatoes, and the grains and all the big meals that peopleeat, just like staggering to me. my meals are small and little. i don't get the amount of foodpeople put down.
it's just like: "whaouh!" i know that is completely changefor my husband and i. i mean we used to be huge as far as getting together with family and just everybody bring a dish. oh my goodness! the last time we were up there,i litterally took 3 bites of... — — i forgot what i was eating — i was like... i could be doneif i needed to be. you don't need near what you have.
my husband, he still doesdo meats sometimes, but he's one for consuming a hugesteack to literally about 3 by 10. it's pretty good. there are people who still judgementthat in fact he still eating meat but one step at a time! and that's the problem, that's what i want to weed out of us, it's that judgment call,because it's one step at a time. some souls can only take one step at a time. others can jump full-bore.
who cares?we're all part of the one. we're here just to love each other,no matter what level we're working. somebody come to me and he said: "you know my diet is awful and stuff...but i give up twinkies this week". yes! keep going, keep going... don't judge them from the fact they still have that chocolate milk at bedtime... some people it's going to be baby steps. some people are so emotionaly tired.
everybody can be addicted to something. regardless of whether that is drugs,alcohol, food, sex, books. ro. morse's books? it doesn't matter what the addiction is, you don't understand the walk that somebody else is walking because you have not been in their shoes. you will notice that some of you that have your own business and stuff. understand the stressors... and the level of stress that it brings,
and some of the expenses of thingsthat ohers have no clue about it. when you're business is for yourself,that's an other level of thinking. especially when you havea bunch of employees and you're responsible for their lives,and they have kids... it gets expeditiously kind of growth outa little bit in your stress level. that's responsibilty, you're takingon more responsibility. and the more responsibilityi notice people take on, the bigger they get sometimes. and i'm trying to do that,to where that's not a factor.
but i've been watching peoplein businesses sometimes, men or ladies that have a heavy load,they get big just from that load. they stress out by eatingin relationship to that. what does stress do, remember, one thingstress us is take the adrenals down. creates acidosis in the body. moving on just a little bit. i got a couple of clients this afternoon,so we're trying to get this last one: that's post pregnancy. or firstable before the delivery,
one thing i really like to recommendis nettles and raspberries because they are excellent:they're toning the uterus and preparing youfor delivery of that child. so those are two that are excellent. but post...let's talk about... what do you think about detoxing during nursing, brother? well, interesting. i think i told themonce that we have a couple they just giving birth, and the lady had cancer. so i went right after her.
she was breastfeeding,and the baby shed his skin. totally that's all skin came off of him. and luckily, they didn't freak. and later we realized it was because he had a weak skin. and then he has good newhealthy happy skin. it's just to medical doctorsto freak right out. but we asked we knew that the bodygets rid of that which is weak, and replacing it stronger, if thesubstances are coming in to do that. and that just what happened.
but that's part of the issue. you're going to detoxify your baby. i want to bring up this.and i really discussed with the most. but i think it's importantwith breastfeeding and stuff post. and a great example of mine, a granddaughter. she has just delivered.she was detoxing during her pregnancy. i didn't help. she might have did the lymphatic one. i couldn't keep her far from that thing.
but she did detox and she poppedthings superfood blend. so this baby came out 10 pounds. i mean 22 iches. it's gone out: "what? he's alreadycrawling? and he just got out." it was just amazing how big is this kid now, and is only a few months old. but they called and said:"he had a really bad and ear infection." what was mine next comment? take him off the milk.take him off the breast.
he can't have anymore breast milk. when you see your babies gettingcaractering your mucosis, that's it. you're done because if you push that, you'll fill your baby full of mucusand tumors and all this kind of stuff. - same with trush.- trush, all of that. no, when you start to see all that, back away. get him on the fruits, and the berriesand the melons, and the cocomilk and water. my oldest was on fruitsby the time he was two months...
yeah, and this baby is only 4 or 6 months old, and i had to pull him of the milkbecause he couldn't take it no more. and he just sucked down the fruits. and now that kid is like even growing faster and the pediatrician's going:"what the hell have you given him?" it's just amazing. i had a client, her baby 6 years oldi think as when we talked. and he was projectiles vomiting. and i don't remembershe couldn't nurse
or it was just their culture that she didn't nurse. i don't remember which one,but she was not nursing. she had her baby on an"organic formula" type thing. first child: did an amazing on it. second child: projectiles vomiting. i recommended coconut milk. so she raised... she feeds himfive bottles a day. she replaced just one of those bottle with her own coconut milk that she makes. and then she cut it with a little bit of water.
she said that whenshe gives some that bottle she cannot believe how calm,peaceful and chilled he is. she's moving him up to 2 bottles to see... she's like playing this game. and so i'm encouraging her. the more you can getthat switch, the better. i'm not sure where they areas far as going all the way but you should never be afraid of natural over synthetic. ever!
you know on raw, why would you fearthe way nature makes something? and any thought of us processing or cooking it would make it better is probably the oneof the greatest fallacy that ever perpetrated by whoever perpetrated it. even in macrobiotic they feel that you must steam your vegetables. when you know why... because we can't break downvegetables well. so yes, but we can't break it down. but still, is steaming as worse than raw.
you totally bore-raw and if your body can't handle it,it's not meant for you. if you have a hard time with greens... we don't have the processors, we're not a green processing. we have to actually make one, buy one, and process our green that one. there's a reason why we recommendsteamed vegetables and things raw to pull you out of the healing crisis not raw but the steamedand things like that.
the vegetables even to pull you out of the healing crisis. it slows down the cleaning process. that's opposite of what we're wanting to do. increasing milk... (i know, i'll be there in five minutes.) increasing milk, breast milk...there is different herbs for that. like i said shannon and iare working on coming up with that. fenugreek will be one of them, that's is very good... ... for better milk production.
if you have a problem withyour milk letting down, hops is actually a good. but you got to be carefulbecause it's a little bit of a sedative. you might want to do that at night,not during the day. babies running everywhereand mum over there sleeping. to dry up milk...sage and black walnut. you have your gas and bloating. when you see that,there's improper digestion. again, if it's the milk, get rid of it.whatever it is, get rid of it,
because those are your warning signs. if you try to push through thatyou could do the knitting procedure, you could tie the baby stomacharound its oesophagus so it can't throw up anymore. and then get botox treatementin the heiny? you can do things like thatmedically that's real -- again, where's the logic in that? when you see these warning signs, know that the food is been processed as wrong.
and there for you getting fermentationand if it's a protein putrefaction and those are the things you don't want to buid up in the body because fermentation is a fungal experience and putrefaction is a bacterial experience. and you'll pull them in to handlethat situation for you. and you can't do a thing about it,because you created the situation. and if you got a child,even been nursing for 6 or 8 weeks and you start seeing thing like that trashand all the things like that, understand: if your diet is not good,the baby's diet is not good.
and you may be thinking:"i got to keep going on the mother's milk, i got to keep going on the breast milk.(fallacy) what would be better? putting foods that are goingto bring that child, and heal that child, and support that childin good building materials or continuing to have them attached to you who you are continuing to give allkind of issues... or pass them along. you should never fear givingyour babies fruits, berries, melons, especially your infants,you should never fear that.
especially after both 3, 4 months,you should never fear that. if you look at nature, mom get ridof baby as soon as they can, and you have to thinkat the same way. you don't have to care him around for a lifetime that way and getting amount of rawis energizing them and turning them on and repairing their genetics. when you do that to your babies they can rebuild their geneticsweaknesses so much quicker. so by the time they're in high schoolyou got a super person.
you can still bond with that childoutside of the food connexion. it's plenty of ways. find different ways to bond with that child. we've got a great nursing tea, — we don't actually have the tea,but i got a recipe for it that i'll post — a lot of amazing herbs in there, they can help with getting the milk to come in. excellent stuff! but just remember what you're doing:you're raising a physical body.
that's what the body is all about:the soul is the consciousness, all of that. you're responsible for creating and maintaining the human form for that soul to occupy. and if a soul can't occupy well, it's gonna leave it, and you can't judge that. you can't judge anything in the world'sof god. you can only ride the ride, because it isn't your world, it's all been created, we're justmoving through it and developing. whatever you are,you look at that spiritual...
we gonna close this...or you gonna continue? no because we gottaget this up for them and then they'll have to timestampand then that'll be a week... this mean we answeredevery single one of your questions. but i think i hope it covers the fact that herbs are not dangerous to you, you got to be careful, you got to know what you're doingobviously with anything you're doing. all our herbs in formulas are gras:generally regarded as safe. and like i said, the strongestones are the poke,
the bloodroots, and, as one ofyou found out about poke root, you don't do too much of it,you almost ended up in the er. you don't mess aroundwith these kind of herbs. remember, bloodroots will as well pull the tumors right out of your body. so we're talking about a very strong powerful herbs. i'll say this: don't think herbsare candies either, because they're far from it. they come with all the poweryou need to be well. it's about logic.
exactly.we love you guys. thank you so much, and anyquestions you might have on this, send to me and i'll give to marcie. and we'll talk about as we can. alright guys, blessed. i'll give this to processors in the back.
Diabetes And Thyroid Center Of Fort Worth,how d'you think it went? yeah good. i think it was good, don't you think guys?
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